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Blackwell Court Camp Quiz. The Rules In your teams, you will need to answer 8 questions in each of 10 rounds The leader team is the team to beat! No cheating!

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Presentation on theme: "Blackwell Court Camp Quiz. The Rules In your teams, you will need to answer 8 questions in each of 10 rounds The leader team is the team to beat! No cheating!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Blackwell Court Camp Quiz

2 The Rules In your teams, you will need to answer 8 questions in each of 10 rounds The leader team is the team to beat! No cheating! Don’t shout out answers – you’ll only help the other teams around you After every 2 rounds, take your answers to Nick to be marked In the event of a tie, a final tie breaker question will be used to decide the winning team

3 Round 1 – General Knowledge Nurse, Cookie Cutter, Blue, Zebra, Carpet, School, Bull and Wobbegong are all examples of what? What does an "H" in a circle represent on an Ordnance Survey map? Which Canadian city represents the letter Q in the NATO phonetic alphabet? What does a Geiger counter detect?

4 General Knowledge continued… How many faces does a Dodecahedron have? In rhyming slang what is meant by “dickory dock”? What is 20% of 40? How long is a marathon?

5 Round 2 – Film & Television Which actor played the lead role in both of the films ‘Taken’ and ‘Unknown’? Which TV series features Nelson Mandela House as the residence of the main characters? In which film(s) might you find males dressed in suits fighting aliens? Who played ‘The Mechanic’?

6 Film & Television continued… What show do Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May present together? What is the next James Bond film set to be called? Which Comedian front’s ‘TV Burp’? What fictional character did Robert Downey Jr. play alongside Jude Law, in a film released on 16 th December titled: “A Game of Shadows”?

7 Round 3 - Lyrics The following slides will have several lines of lyrics from a well-known song – simply name that song AND the artist in each case.

8 Question 1 I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose Fire away, fire away Ricochet, you take your aim Fire away, fire away You shoot me down but I won't fall

9 Question 2 We aint gonna pack that rap noise in All of that cheesy stuff, clap clap sing And we're gonna burn some calories Right here, right now Aint over till a fat boy slims mama

10 Question 3 You put it down like New York City I never sleep, wild like Los Angeles My fantasy, hotter than Miami I feel the heat

11 Question 4 You like your girls insane Choose your last words This is the last time Cause you and I

12 Question 5 Yellow diamonds in the light And we're standing side by side As your shadow crosses mine What it takes to come alive

13 Question 6 When she was just a girl She expected the world But it flew away from her reach so She ran away in her sleep And dreamed of

14 Question 7 Ladies and gentlemen This is something they call A ground breaker So let me first apologise To the shirts and the ties For your make up

15 Question 8 Just shoot for the stars If it feels right Then aim for my heart If you feel like And take me away, make it okay I swear I'll behave

16 Round 4 - Scouting When is Scout Community Week 2012? How many Challenge Badges must a scout earn to achieve the Chief Scout’s Gold Award? Who is the current Chief Scout? What is the main colour of the World Membership Badge?

17 Scouting continued… Who is the Birmingham County Commissioner? When did Scouting celebrate it’s centenary year? Where should a union jack flag be positioned on a scout’s uniform? What are the five sections for people in scouting aged 6-25?

18 Round 5 - Sport Which British Boxer was recently banned indefinitely from the sport after an altercation with David Haye in a press conference? Which football team won the 2012 Carling Cup? Who won the Australian Open in January? Which Golf tournament takes place annually at the Augusta National Golf Club?

19 Sport continued… Which team won Super Bowl XLVI in February? When does the Australian Grand Prix take place this year? Who was the winner of the most recent Calcutta Cup? How many more days is it till the Opening Ceremony for the 2012 Olympics takes place?

20 Round 6 – Current Affairs Which major milestone is the Queen celebrating this year? In which country were 2 journalists killed by shelling in February? Who was sacked as Chelsea Manager last weekend? Which oil company recently agreed to pay almost £5bn in compensation after last year’s oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?

21 Current Affairs continued… Which Russian has been elected as President for a third term? What makes 17 th March special to Irish people? Who was Davy Jones, who died just over a week ago? What is the Scottish ‘Yes’ Campaign campaigning for?

22 Round 7 – Pictures: Logos Name the company represented by the logo

23 Question 1

24 Question 2

25 Question 3

26 Question 4

27 Question 5

28 Question 6

29 Question 7

30 Question 8

31 Round 8 – Pictures: Famous People Name the famous person shown in the picture

32 Question 1

33 Question 2

34 Question 3

35 Question 4

36 Question 5

37 Question 6

38 Question 7

39 Question 8

40 Round 9 – Geography Trivia Trail What is the capital city of Spain? In which European country is Queen Margretha II the reigning monarch? Name the African Country whose capital city is Nairobi? Which country did British troops invade on October 7 th 2001?

41 Geography Trivia Trail continued… Which Archipelago country’s capital city is Wellington? What is the capital city of Ireland? Which country was Kim Jong Il the leader of, until he died at the end of last year? Which country did our scout group have our bi-annual trip abroad to in 2011?

42 Round 10 – The Impossible Round What is ‘Paraskavedekatriaphobia’ the fear of? How many countries are there in the G20? What is bruxism? How many Trees does it take to make an Orchard?

43 The Impossible Round continued… What does ‘Bebo’ stand for? What is the Poincare Conjecture? What were the Oscars given out during World War II made of? What is 111,111,111 x 111,111,111?

44 The End Nick will now finish adding up the scores…

45 Tie Breaker Question: How many Kit Kats are eaten in the UK every second, on average?

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