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Evidence of meeting the 11 Illinois Professional Teaching Standards (What goes where)

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Presentation on theme: "Evidence of meeting the 11 Illinois Professional Teaching Standards (What goes where)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evidence of meeting the 11 Illinois Professional Teaching Standards (What goes where)

2  Lesson plans  Papers from art history classes  Artists statement  Slides of personal work  Handouts for students  a.Bio of artists  b.Processes  c.Vocabulary

3  Scope & sequence of Curriculum  Reflection on differences between two levels of students taught on Saturdays  Reflection on variability of development issues within one class (Saturday)  Document how lessons address various cognitive levels  Note how assignment varies with grade level... modification of lessons for level (age appropriate).

4  Adjustment (adaptations) for differentiated learners (gifted, dev. delay, ElL, etc) in Saturday classes  Unit expansion adaptations  Cultural lesson plan or multicultural lesson  Teaching/learning styles documentation (instructional styles & strategies) Reflection.  English Language Learners (ELL) students worksheets  307 paper

5  Lesson plans  Handouts, worksheets  Documentation for lecture, group activities, demos, hands-on learning, PPt presentation  Work assignments or timeline (may be better in Collaboration)

6  Photo documentation of room with brief description.  Maps of room and/or pictures of learning stations  Pictures of Displays, bulliten boards  Motivational materials  PPts  Class climate descriptors

7  How did you deliver information? (Set, questioning)  Photodocumentation of presentation and demonstration with brief description  Description of openning of lesson  Teaching timeline  Sentence prompts  Photos of demonstrations

8  Notes home to parents  Visual aids  Teacher examples  Handouts  PPTs  Newsletter  Website

9  Your Assessment of your colleagues’ Unit presentation.  Worksheets filled out by students  Writings by students  Rubrics  Tests or quizes  Checklists  Assessment description in lesson plan (questioning of students over content/closure).  X-word

10  Art 309 team list of duties  Written description of collaborations Sat. reflection.  Teaching timeline  Collaborative presentation (roundtables)  Work with teachers and parents while student teaching  Collaborate with teachers to create interrelated or integrated unit while student teaching  IEP conference  Work for grants

11  Reflection on teaching and what you might do to improve  Confernces, workshops, inservices, or lectures attended– reflection/description

12  Working at the State Conference (serving IAEA/NAEA)  Exhibiting your work in a juried show  Being a jurror for an art show  Community outreach volunteer  Presentations at conference or workshops  (Xerox of presentation program)  Service in a professional organization  Office holder in professional organization  Organizing a chapter activity  Sharing information on lessons in a blog.  Leading presentation at in-service  Presenting information at faculty meeting

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