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How to work out Integers using BEDMAS

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1 How to work out Integers using BEDMAS
-36/-6 = -7x-9=

2 Introduction What is BEDMAS? Brackets Exponents Division
Multiplication Addition Subtraction When working out an Integers equation follow the BEDMAS rules. I can show you how to do that in 2 easy steps.

3 Step 1 When you are given an equation, you go through BEDMAS.
You first look for brackets. If there are brackets you add, subtract, multiply or divide the numbers in the brackets. Then you look for exponents. Exponents are things like the power of, fractions, squared or cubed. After exponents you then do multiplication and division from left to right. With multiplication there is a trick. Positive x positive = positive negative x negative = positive Negative x positive = negative positive x negative = negative Once you have done multiplication and division, you now do addition and subtraction.

4 Step 2 When you minus a negative number, for example = you start at - 2 and move 6 places to the left on a number line. When you plus a negative number for example = you start at -1 and move 6 places to the right on the number line. When doing a BEDMAS equation you always go from left to right unless there are brackets. Here are some rules in adding and subtracting: if there is 1 negative sign and a subtracting sign next to each other like this = you mix the two signs together to make it a plus sign. For example =. If there is a plus sign and a negative sign together like this = you change the plus and negative sign into a minus sign like this 8 – 10 =.

5 Now try some of these examples
Now all you have to do is stick all that together and that is how you do BEDMAS with integers. Now try some of these examples (7 x -9) + 38 = (8²+7) – 45= 78 x 3 ÷ 2= 7 x 9 + (50 x -4 x 3) + 98 =

6 Answers -25 26 117 -439 One last tip. It is always good to have a number line with you. Have fun doing integers using BEDMAS.    

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