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INTEGERS: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing

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Presentation on theme: "INTEGERS: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing"— Presentation transcript:

1 INTEGERS: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing

If the signs of both numbers are alike, (both positive or both negative) add the two numbers and keep the same sign as in the original problem. Example: = -12 Example: = 13

3 Adding Unlike Sign Integers
If the signs are different, (one sign is positive and one sign is negative) subtract the two numbers without the signs and keep the sign of the number farthest from zero. Example: = Example: = Example: = Example: = Example: =

4 You practice:

5 Subtracting Integers 1. Change subtraction sign to addition.
2. Change the sign of the second integer to the opposite sign. (If it is negative, make it positive.) 3. Follow addition rules. Example: -5 – 12 = Example: = Example: 13 – 17 = Example: =

6 You practice:

7 Multiplying Integers and Dividing Integers

8 Multiplying or dividing like sign integers
1. Multiply or divide the two numbers. 2. If both signs are positive, make answer positive. 3. If both signs are negative, make answers Example: -3 · -6 = Example: -7(-4) = Example: (3)(4) = Example: (-9)(0) = Example: -40 ÷ -10 = Example: -30/-3 = Example: 14/2 =

9 Multiplying or Dividing Unlike Signs
Multiply or divide the two numbers. Because one of the numbers is positive and one of the numbers is negative the answer will be negative. Example: -8(4)= Example: 7 · -3 = Example: (-2)(6) = Example: -28 ÷ 7 = Example: 20/-4 = Example: -45/ 9 =

10 You practice:

11 Multiplication/Division Practice
(-8)(-3) = -42/-6 = 9(-6) = -14/-2 = (0)(-14) = 20/-4 =

12 Practice the following 10 problems and have Mrs. Jennings check them:
= = (-7) = = = 6. 24/-4 = = = 9. (-3)(-6) = – 4 =

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