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How Distance Learning can connect you to other cultures

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1 How Distance Learning can connect you to other cultures
Turner__Conesha___ EDC 501 Professor Aries Cobb

2 Websites One way for a person to be connected to other cultures is by going on other websites that will help them to connect. Some examples of websites can be:

3 Why? Good question and I am so glad that you asked!!! The great reason for a person to get on those websites so that they can not only be connected to people in other cultures but to also see how people learn in different countries. This is what I mean: People can see what other classes are like and they can also see the teaching styles of other teachers in the countries and how they relate to students’ learning styles.

4 Why Continued Distance learning can also be helpful to me education wise meaning that they can learn at their own pace and they are free to study when ever and where ever they like other than at home. I can get their assignments on time and they could never miss an assignment. I can also see the benefits of not only the teaching styles of other teachers but also lessons being taught.

5 Why Continued Distance learning also gives me a chance to experience a different atmosphere other than being in a classroom environment. But the disadvantage is that I cannot get social interaction in distance learning and I can’t ask questions online unlike in the classroom sitting face to face with teachers and students. Distance learning not only help me to learn along with other students in the other cultures but also gives me the opportunity to see how they experience it.

6 Examples of Experience in other cultures
The examples of my experience vs other students’: My experience with distant learning and me connecting with other cultures can be a good experience so I can see how other students experience it. The distance learning can be far better in other cultures than the classroom environment that I’m getting meaning that I could get the teachings of other cultures depending on their teaching styles. Other students may have a good experience with it as well and their experience might be better than mine meaning some students would enjoy it more by how they were taught in other cultures and theirs might be interesting like mine. It all depends on who is teaching the classes in distant learning in other cultures.

7 Conclusion I may get a great deal of fun out of it meaning that I can not only see my own experiences but also other students’ experiences. On the distant learning websites, I can see the students’ experiences by what they write in the blog just like on the epals website, the teacher in Spain wrote that she is teaching a class and their first language is Spanish and they are learning English as second language. Also, another teacher says on the epals website that her daughter is teaching students overseas and she had a fantastic experience. If I connected with distant learning in other cultures it would help me a lot by knowing how interesting it could be in a whole different environment in another setting. It could also be fun!!!!!

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