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By Evan Hsu.  Global warming is the average temperature increase of Earth’s air and oceans.  Currently, it is still a theory.  Some people do not believe.

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Presentation on theme: "By Evan Hsu.  Global warming is the average temperature increase of Earth’s air and oceans.  Currently, it is still a theory.  Some people do not believe."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Evan Hsu

2  Global warming is the average temperature increase of Earth’s air and oceans.  Currently, it is still a theory.  Some people do not believe global warming occurs.

3  The cause of global warming comes from the greenhouse effect.  Greenhouse gasses, such as CO2, absorb Solar Radiation.  Some solar radiation reflects back into the atmosphere, while some gets trapped within the atmosphere.

4  CO2 levels are drastically higher than previously recorded levels.  Cities like Shanghai, Tokyo, Bangkok and New York are at risk for flooding.  Diseases like Malaria are more likely to occur due to global warming.  CO2 emissions can be lowered by using energy efficient devices such as solar power, and wind power machines.


6  Earth has always cycled from Ice Ages to warm ages. Temperatures have risen faster recently than in the past.  Scientists believe that humans are the main cause for the strain of greenhouse gasses.  Arctic Sea ice has decreased by 10% in the past 30 years.  1998 was the hottest recorded year. 2005 was the second hottest recorded year.  Temperatures are predicted to rise 2 to 10 degrees in the next century.  Some species face extinction.



9  20 th century data on temperature increase is not linked to greenhouse gasses.  Some believe that global warming is propaganda.  CO2 is not the cause of global warming whether it be man-made or not.  There is nothing unusual about the temperature.  Scientific evidence is illegitimate.

10 This is GOOD!! Believe them!

11  "Global warming -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 30 Oct. 2009..  "Greenhouse effect -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 29 Oct. 2009..

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