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What is climate change finance? Tom Beloe Governance, Climate Change Finance and Development Effectiveness Advisor UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre How.

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Presentation on theme: "What is climate change finance? Tom Beloe Governance, Climate Change Finance and Development Effectiveness Advisor UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre How."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is climate change finance? Tom Beloe Governance, Climate Change Finance and Development Effectiveness Advisor UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre How does it relate to country systems? COUNRTY LED DEFINITIONS

2 Characteristics of definitions Different constituencies – different emphases Domestic and international Public and private Adaptation and mitigation

3 Focusing on country-led definitions 1.How is climate change policy articulated in public expenditure at the national level? 2.How are countries developing Climate Change Financing and Fiscal Frameworks for the future?

4 Asia Pacific: a map of climate expenditures

5 Country % of budget % GDPComments on data Nepal 6.7 %1.8% 10 ministries reviewed. Not include ‘off-budget’ donor support Bangladesh 5.5 % 7.2 % (2010/11) 0.9% (2010/11) 37 ministries reviewed. Not include ‘off-budget’ donor support Thailand 2.7 %0.5% 14 ministries reviewed. Not include ‘off-budget’ donor support Cambodia 14.9 - 16.9 % 3.1 – 6.9% All Government programmes reviewed and includes ‘off-budget’ donor support Samoa 15 %6 %All Government programmes reviewed and includes ‘off-budget’ donor support


7 Climate Financing and Fiscal Frameworks managing future climate finance Budget cycle reform Improving domestic allocations Leveraging international finance Incentivising private sector

8 Planning Budget Treasury ProcurementAccounting Auditing Reporting Public Climate Finance Climate Finance e.g. Budget requests from different ministries integrate climate change across their programmes and overall budget formulation explicitly includes climate change investment e.g. Treasury utilises a budget marking system, developed with the budget department, to allow for climate expenditure to be tracked e.g. Line Ministries establish climate related Key Performance Indicators that enable them to account for the performance of climate expenditure e.g. Budget expenditure reports include explicit reporting on climate expenditures and impacts and presented to parliament and fed into planning and budgeting process Civil Society Parliament Private Sector

9 Questions we will be taking forward What experience is there of establishing country-led climate financing frameworks? How is international finance aligning with country-led frameworks? How are we strengthening and using country systems to manage climate change finance?

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