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Skeletal System.

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Presentation on theme: "Skeletal System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skeletal System

2 What’s the Purpose? Allows body to move Protects vital organs
skull protects brain, ribs protect heart and lungs Produce blood cells in bone marrow The skeletal system provides the frame for the human body.

3 What Are Bones Made of? Bones are made of calcium, which can be found in milk and other foods.

4 Types of Bones There are 2 types: Axial and Appendicluar
Axial Bones: Keep you upright (ribs, spine, etc.) Appendicular Bones: help you move (arms, legs, fingers, etc.)

5 Joints Joints connect your bones to help you move.
Examples of joints include knee joints and elbow joints.

6 Breaking Bones When a bone is broken, it is called a fracture.
Fractures can be minor or serious.

7 Fun Facts: There are 206 bones in the human body.
The smallest bones, called ossicles, are found in the middle ear.

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