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Game Plan 1)Apollo 13 Clips 2)Introduce Invention vs Innovation 3)Team Build Activity 4)Invention vs Innovation Q’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Game Plan 1)Apollo 13 Clips 2)Introduce Invention vs Innovation 3)Team Build Activity 4)Invention vs Innovation Q’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Game Plan 1)Apollo 13 Clips 2)Introduce Invention vs Innovation 3)Team Build Activity 4)Invention vs Innovation Q’s

2 Apollo 13 Clips 1) P9Uw P9Uw 2) sIxw sIxw 3) G5Bjo G5Bjo

3 Invention vs Innovation

4 4Unit 5 Product Development Invention is the creation of a completely new product, method, or device. Businesses use inventions to create original solutions to meet consumer needs. Innovation is the change of an existing product to use new technology, items or processes.

5 Product Development Market Research Consumer Wants Business Opportunity Businesses will decide whether or not they can provide a product/service to satisfy their customers’ wants/needs

6 In your opinion, what was the most important Canadian product ever invented? Why?

7 According to CBC…. Honourable Mentions – Instant Mash Potatoes – Paint Roller – Lacrosse – Snow blower – Walkie-Talkie – Basketball – Blackberry – Ski-doo

8 According to CBC… Top 10 Canadian inventions: 10.Poutine 9.Electric Wheelchair 8.Zipper 7.Robertson screwdriver 6.Pacemaker

9 The Top 5 5.Wonderbra 4.Five pin bowling 3. Light bulb 2.Telephone 1.Insulin

10 people-ever-dreamed-of-having-a-remote-control-to-shut-someone-up-now-photo-1270167670.html Top 10 Inventions of 2012

11 11Unit 5 Product Development There are more innovators than inventors. Innovators look at ways to improve on existing products, methods or devices.

12 Let’s Review Invention = MADE Innovation = IMPROVED

13 Group Build Get in groups of four You are a product development team for a struggling corporation. The chief executive officer has asked that you come up with a prototype for a product that either teenagers wish was better or wish they had. You have 30 Minutes Invent or Innovate
















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