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Cake Recipe. Ingredients Utensils 1 st Step Pre-Heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

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Presentation on theme: "Cake Recipe. Ingredients Utensils 1 st Step Pre-Heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cake Recipe

2 Ingredients

3 Utensils

4 1 st Step Pre-Heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius

5 2 nd Step Cut up 250g of soft butter into cubes

6 3 rd Step Measure 1 cup of caster sugar and pour it into a bowl

7 4 th Step Beat the sugar and butter until light and fluffy

8 5 th Step Add three eggs one at a time

9 6 th Step Measure 2 and ½ cups of flour and add one half at a time

10 7 th Step Add two teaspoons of vanilla essence

11 8 th Step Line baking tray

12 9 th Step Pour mixture into pan

13 10 th Step Put the cake into the oven

14 ENJOY!!!

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