Apprenticeships for the Public Sector Doug Harrison Northamptonshire Learning and Skills Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Apprenticeships for the Public Sector Doug Harrison Northamptonshire Learning and Skills Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apprenticeships for the Public Sector Doug Harrison Northamptonshire Learning and Skills Council

2 What are Apprenticeships ? Work-based training programmes designed for your current and future employees aged between 16 and 24 at the start of the Apprenticeship. Fully funded for 16-18 year olds, part funded for 19-24 year olds. Older employees may undertake apprenticeships but there is no funding associated with this age group.

3 How are they developed ? Apprenticeships are designed by business for business. Sector Skills Councils, supported by business representatives, decide on the course content.

4 What is the typical content ? An NVQ at the appropriate level (NVQ2 or 3) Key Skills –Communication and Numeracy are Mandatory –Others are optional Technical Certificates

5 Are there different levels ? Yes – Apprenticeships at NVQ Level 2 Equivalent to GCSEs –Advanced Apprenticeships at NVQ Level 3 Equivalent to A level

6 How are they delivered ? Most of the training is “on-the-job” at your premises. The rest is provided by a locally approved learning provider.

7 What do learning providers do ? Help you decide if, and which, Apprenticeship is right for you. Explain the way Apprenticeships might work for you and if funding is available. Agree a Training Plan with you and your Apprentice. Recruit an Apprentice or support your existing eligible employees Manage the training and evaluation.

8 Are the learning providers good quality ? All providers are regularly inspected by OFSTED. Reports are available on OFSTED website. –

9 What Apprenticeships are available ? There are over 160 Apprenticeships across 80 different industry sectors e.g. Business Functions, Business & Professional, Construction, Engineering, Environmental, Health & Care, Manufacturing & Production, Media, Public Sector, Retail & Leisure, ICT, Telecomms, Transport & Automotive.

10 What are my responsibilities ? H & S induction Induction into role “On-the-job” training To take an interest in Apprentice’s progress Attend Reviews Contract of employment Paying wages

11 How much do I pay the Apprentice ? The LSC specify minimum pay of £80 per week. Apprentices who are under 19 are not entitled to the minimum wage. Apprentices aged 19-25 who are in the first 12 months of their Apprenticeship are not entitled to the minimum wage.

12 What are the business benefits ? Improve your productivity –Trained by those with skills and experience Motivate your people –Eager to know more, valued and easier to retain Give them relevant training –Expertise directly relevant to your business Avoid skills shortages –Develop specialist skills you need for the latest technology and working practices in your sector.

13 How do I get started ? Contact the Northamptonshire LSC Talk to NTDP – NTDP are a membership organisation for training providers throughout the county NOTE: Not all providers offer all apprenticeships in all geographical areas. Visit

14 Apprenticeships for the Public Sector Questions ?

15 T2G and the Skills Pledge for the Public Sector Marilyn Saddington Skills Broker - East Midlands Business

16 What services & support employers can access under Train to Gain? What is the Skills Pledge? How employers can make the Skills Pledge & why you should consider it?

17 Train to Gain National skills service to support employers – all sizes & sectors – to improve skills of employees to improve their business performance Launched nationally August 2006 52,000 employers engaged 240,000 employees on development activities

18 What is the Train to Gain service? independent and impartial brokerage service Identifying skills needs at all levels in line with business need Identifying & sourcing provision to meet those needs Access to government funding where eligible & available

19 Role of Skills Broker Act in best interest of the employer Knowledge of other areas of funded skills training Diagnostic – organisation needs analysis Independent & impartial advice & support Appreciate the wider sector & local skills issues Proactive networking with providers

20 What is the funded offer? Skills for life – numeracy & literacy level 1 or 2 qualification First Level 2 NVQ Level 3 Jumpers (those without Level 2 but working at Level 3) Contribution to wage costs for those employing less than 50 Approved Providers

21 Extension of Train to Gain Funding support for second level 2 qualification Self-employed & voluntary sector included Leadership & management Funding support for level 3 qualifications Improved sector knowledge Skills pledge

22 Benefits of Vocational Qualifications Minimum disruption to work patterns Flexibility of delivery, assessment & qualifications Designed to meet needs of individuals & organisations Work-based in line with role Wide range to cover all roles

23 Skills Pledge Voluntary commitment by the leadership of an organisation to support the development of all its employees Support & advice of Skills Broker following registration if desired through Train to Gain

24 Why get involved? Purpose to ensure all staff are skilled, competent & able to make a full contribution to the success of the business Covers the whole organisation Economic success & competitiveness Ensure skills of employees develop in line with the needs of the business

25 Further Information Train to Gain & Skills Pledge enquiry line: 0845 057 1817 Web site: Marilyn Saddington – tel: 07920 862977

26 T2G and the Skills Pledge for the Public Sector Questions ??

27 Skills for Life Opportunities for Public Sector Maggie Heffernan Tresham Institute

28 Skills for Life, Basic Skills – what are they? The functional English and maths skills used in every day life Reading, writing, speaking, listening and number National standards, national qualifications

29 SfLKey SkillsNational CurriculumNVQs Entry 1NC Level 1 Entry 2NC Level 2 Entry 3NC Level 3 Level 1 GCSE D-GLevel 1 Level 2 GCSE A*-CLevel 2 Level 3A LevelsLevel 3 Level 4GraduateLevel 4

30 Government Skills for Life Strategy national strategy to improve the literacy and numeracy skills of adults launched in 2001 5.2m with literacy below level 1 15m with numeracy below level 1

31 National context Improving skills among public sector employees and among employees in the supply chain to the public sector is a key priority

32 Cost of poor basic skills If you have good literacy and numeracy skills you can earn £50,000 more over your working life than someone with poorer skills 50% of jobs are closed to those with skills at entry level The cost to industry of poor basic skills could be as much as £4.8 billion per year

33 Government aim Raise demand among public sector employers to take a proactive sustained and strategic approach to workplace basic skills How?

34 Which works best: A leaflet? Talking to someone who knows what is involved and is confident to talk positively about opportunities to improve skills?

35 Which will employees respond to? “Do you have any basic skills needs?” “Do you have an up-to-date qualification in English and maths?”

36 What is more positive? ‘Do you have problems with reading, writing and maths?’ ‘Would you like to gain a qualification and brush up your skills?’

37 What can Tresham offer? Flexible provision at time and place to suit employers Work in partnership with Union Learning Representatives to give positive opportunities to all employees English and Maths provision within the context of job roles, business needs

38 Every employee counts Could improved skills reduce the cost of mistakes? Can you afford not to develop your employees’ skills? Are your staff working to the best of their potential? What hidden talent lies in your workforce?

39 Further benefits SfL courses have promoted further learning opportunites to employees – eg NVQs Improved working relationships, employees, ULRs and employers A confident, flexible, skilled workforce responsive to change Improved effectiveness and efficiency

40 How to start Contact Northamptonshire LSC Skills for Life provider network throughout Northamptonshire Local Colleges Train to Gain broker

41 Further information Maggie Heffernan Tresham Institute 01536 413309

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