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Case Studies Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 1 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 1 Project ETIV – EMAS TECHNICAL.

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Presentation on theme: "Case Studies Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 1 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 1 Project ETIV – EMAS TECHNICAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Studies Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 1 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 1 Project ETIV – EMAS TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION AND VERIFICATION Prepared by:

2 Case Studies Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 2 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 2 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

3 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 3 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 3 Objectives ETIV Project Development of didactical training material to promote, stimulate and support the implementation of EMAS II Regulation Case Study Supply information on EMAS implementation in a Cleaning Materials Producer, representing a “Case Study” on EMAS implementation

4 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 4 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 4 Contents of this case study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Materials Sector Company Knud E. Dan A/S Greve, Denmark

5 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 5 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 5 Company Description Danish Ltd. company Founded 1960 20 employees Mixes and bottles cleaning materials Yearly production: 1900 tonnes, sold in Denmark and exported

6 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 6 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 6 Board Management Representative Management Representative Auditor Production Manager Purchase Assistant Office Assistants Sales Consultant Purchase Assistant Production Assistants Storage Assistants Office Manager Storage Manager Sales Manager Chemistry Manager Organisation diagram

7 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 7 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 7 Production processes Main processes are mixing of products from premixed raw materials, and bottling in to various containers Production diagram

8 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 8 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 8 Production diagram Dispatch Storage Bottling Mixing raw materials Packaging material storage Raw materials storage tanks Receiving raw material Receiving new packaging material Receiving used packaging material Cleaning packaging material Packaging material storage

9 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 9 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 9 Certificates: Knud E. Dan holds both quality and environmental certificates: ISO 9001 ISO 14001 EMAS

10 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 10 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 10 Reason for introduction of EMAS Company wanted an ”Environmental Profile” Wanted to be stronger on the market with ”green customers” ”Environmental Statement” useful

11 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 11 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 11 The implemention process Geographical demarcation: the production site only, sales division in other part of country not included Working environment included in system

12 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 12 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 12 1.Environmental Policy Combined quality and environmental policy … identify and minimize potential factors that may cause damage / harm to the environment... …, chemicals and substances are replaced with less polluting through continuous product development … … continuous improvements …

13 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 13 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 13 Structure of the EMS Company structure / foundation Procedures / Flow diagrams (Process descriptions) Descriptions / basic information Document for analysis Tables Tools

14 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 14 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 14 Document control

15 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 15 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 15 Management system is computerised. Document access is possible through graphical interface and more traditional documents listings Computerised EMAS

16 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 16 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 16 All envrionmental impacts are listed Raw materials Packaging material Water Electricity Gas Fuel Products Packaging materials Refuse Wastewater Emission Heat Knud E. Dan A/S

17 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 17 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 17 Environmental impacts at Knud E. Dan (consumption) Raw materials (chemical substances) Water Electricity Gas Packaging Fuel

18 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 18 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 18 Environmental impacts at Knud E. Dan (outgoing) Chemicals for collection Refuse for collection Emmissions to atmosphere

19 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 19 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 19 Working environment is also included Lay out of working stations Time pressure Stress Working pace

20 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 20 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 20 Prioritisation of environmental impacts The largest impacts happens at the customer Packaging material: PVC bottles replaced Informing customers how to dispose products and packaging

21 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 21 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 21 Objectives and targets Evaluated every year Objectives linked to actual measurable targets Periodical updating of targets ensures continous improvement

22 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 22 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 22 Examples of targets Chemical waste diminished from index 68 to index 65 Gas usage must not exceed index 95 Electricity consumption maintained at index 120

23 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 23 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 23 Lessons learned regarding objectives and targets It is important to see results from the start Therefore: ”pick the easy options first!” – that is areas with potential for improvement. At Knud E. Dan these were: Packaging material (PVC replaced - huge effect) Electricity (very likely to give results if no efforts have been made before. Financial gains also very likely)

24 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 24 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 24 Data avaliability Data availability may be a problem (data sheets on raw materials) Information and measurements must be collected from various sources on various times

25 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 25 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 25 Data monitoring must be well organised It may be difficult to: Obtain exact data Get data from correct period of time Obtain comparable data Knud E. Dan chose to monitor every month and use the financial year as overall period

26 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 26 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 26 Goals and results

27 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 27 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 27 Other improvements and results: Possibility of quick follow-up on consumption and other fctors going beyond expected values Good understanding and better control of company

28 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 28 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 28 Examples of Environmental Management Programmes Substitution of cationic tenside by one third Reuse of rinsing water from certain products Substitution of PVC packaging Reduction of harmful raw materials by substitution Materials for trays and cartons for packing of productis must be recycleable

29 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 29 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 29 Structure and responsibility Environmental manager is responsible for the bulk of the management system procedures Other employees responsible for daily working routine instructions Management groups for main areas: Production Storage Buying / expedition Sales

30 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 30 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 30 Training, awareness and competence All employees trained at introduction of system Training by doing works well Employee skills are registered in employee registrations records

31 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 31 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 31 Communication with community and other interested parties Website with information on company Environmental satatement available on website – updated every year Strict procedures in-house tell who is authorised to communicate with the press

32 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 32 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 32 EMS internal environmental audit Performed by different audit teams for different areas Audit teams are trained in audit and EMS Audits are performed using audit checklists

33 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 33 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 33 Management review Performed by management and middle management Performed yearly – but more often if necessary (special projects) Environmental projects and non-conformances are evaluated

34 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 34 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 34 Internal gains of EMAS Powerful tool in company management Environmental improvements Some economic savings

35 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 35 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 35 External gains of EMAS Knud E. Dan was expecting more sale, but it has only had limited effect EMAS symbol is used for marketing

36 Case Study Implementation of EMAS in the Cleaning Material Sector 36 ETIV - EMAS Technical Implementation and Verification 36 Overall evaluation of EMAS at Knud E. Dan A/S EMAS has helped the company organise itself internally EMAS has made the company more environmentally friendly EMAS has made the company save on energy and raw materials EMAS has provided a certified environmental statement

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