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By By: Daniel Grade 3 Mrs. McGarry All About Barack Obama!

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Presentation on theme: "By By: Daniel Grade 3 Mrs. McGarry All About Barack Obama!"— Presentation transcript:

1 By By: Daniel Grade 3 Mrs. McGarry All About Barack Obama!

2 Barack Obama’s Life Growing Up Did you know how Barack was when he was younger and how he’s now? Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4,1961.Also,Barack Obama’s Father was also named Barack Obama. When Barack Obama was 2 his parents were divorced. Lastly Barack Obama’s mother is Stanley Ann Dunham and she’s white. In this paragraph, it is telling what Barack Obama was during life.

3 Barack’s Goals and Accomplishments Why do we remember Barack Obama? First, he was the 1 st African American president. Next, we remember him because, Obama wanted people to join together. Lastly, we remember him because Barack Obama was the 45 th president in the United States on November 4 th 2008. As you can see these are some important reasons why we remember Barack Obama!

4 Awesome Facts about Barack Obama What are other facts about our President? Here are some interesting facts about Barack Obama. First, when Barack Obama was 23 years old he was the first African American student at his school. Also, Barack Obama has 2 daughters Malia and Sasha. Lastly, nine months into his presidency, Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize. Overall, these are some interesting facts about Barack Obama.

5 Bibliography Feinsten, Stephen African-American Hero's Barack Obama Enslow, Publishers 2008 Brill, Marllene Barack Obama Working to Make a Difference Millbrook Press 2006 “Barack Obama’’ http.www.’’Fact’’/ipka/AO93136.Htm 2/6/14

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