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What are Sedimentary Rocks. By: Caitlin Cerillo TJ Truss

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1 What are Sedimentary Rocks. By: Caitlin Cerillo TJ Truss
What are Sedimentary Rocks? By: Caitlin Cerillo TJ Truss Logan Milstead Katilyn Hall

2 What are sedimentary Rocks?
Sedimentary rocks are rocks that are layered.

3 How are Sedimentary rocks formed?
When mountains are first formed they are tall jagged like the rocky mountains on The West Coast of North America. What happens in the meantime is that lot’s of rocks get warn away due to Erosion.

4 Name four types of different Sedimentary rocks.
...1:limestone 2:black shale 3:sandstone 4:coal

5 What location in the united states are sedimentary mostly found?
Sedimentary rocks are mostly found at the bottom of oceans and lakes. They are found all over the United States.

6 How are Sedimentary rocks used in everyday life?
There are several different ways that people use sedimentary rocks. The chalk used in classrooms around the world is a type of sedimentary rock. Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is used in concrete, building stones, antacids, soil conditioner, and steel making. Coal is another sedimentary rock which is used to produce heat and electricity. Shale is used to make brick. Sandstone is used in construction and glass production.

7 What are two other interesting facts about Sedimentary rocks?
Sedimentary rocks often have fossils in them. The sedimentary rocks are made of mountains.

Rocks fit into my life by providing me with salt to put on my food, and by providing me with roads to travel on. Rocks are used to build schools, houses, and other types of buildings. These buildings provide us with shelter.

9 Questions or comments?

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