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Scientific Revolution

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1 Scientific Revolution

2 Scientific Revolution
The "Scientific Revolution" refers to historical changes in thought & belief, to changes in social & institutional organization, that unfolded in Europe between ; Began with Nicholas Copernicus ( ), who spoke of a heliocentric (sun-centered) universe, and ended with Isaac Newton ( ), who proposed universal laws and a Mechanical Universe.

3 Scientific Method Francis Bacon “Father of the Scientific Revolution” encouraged scientist to use the scientific method. Observation and experimentation Religion, superstition, and fear were replaced by reason and knowledge Testable hypothesis

4 Nicolas Copernicus First Astronomer to formulate the heliocentric theory. This theory put the sun as the center of the universe, instead of the earth which had first been believed. His theories would later be backed up by Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, and Isaac Newton.

5 Galileo He is called the “father of science” and the father of modern observational astronomy. His achievements include improving the telescope and astronomical observations Affirmed Copernicus’s theory (Heliocentric Theory)


7 Sir Isaac Newton Used the Scientific Method to make several discoveries His discoveries helped inspire Enlightenment Thinkers Newton’s theory on Gravity helped prove the Heliocentric Theory and advanced the thoughts of the Scientific Revolution.

8 Laws of Motion Object in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by outside force Acceleration depends on Force & Mass. F=ma For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction

9 Notes Title: Scientific Revolution: The historical change in thought and belief The Scientific Revolution & The Scientific Method Important People of the Scientific Revolution

10 Developed by Francis Bacon
The Scientific Revolution Started in the European Renaissance and continued through the 17th & 18 Centuries It rejected traditional authority and church teachings Used the Scientific Method to make direct observations of nature The Scientific Method Developed by Francis Bacon People observed nature, made hypotheses, and tested their hypotheses through experiments

11 Important People of the Scientific Revolution
Nicolas Copernicus First Astronomer to formulate the heliocentric theory that the sun was the center of the universe Galileo “The Father of Science” His achievements include improving the telescope and astronomical observations Affirmed Copernicus’s theory (Heliocentric Theory) Sir Isaac Newton Newton’s theory on Gravity helped prove the Heliocentric Theory Developed the “Laws of Gravity” Robert Boyle Used the scientific principals of observation and experimentation to create Boyle’s Law: Principals of Physics

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