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The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Preparing students for Work Experience.

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Presentation on theme: "The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Preparing students for Work Experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Preparing students for Work Experience Helena Collins

2 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan First impressions are important The students represent the teachers and the school and therefore the preparation of the student for work experience is of key importance

3 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Current Employment Market More challenging Use this as a Positive The students need to take themselves seriously and be focused about where they are going, what they want to achieve and more importantly, what they can do

4 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Planning and Preparation WHAT LOCAL EMPLOYERS ARE LOOKING FOR ATTITUDE: Diligent, conscientious, honesty, reliability, pleasant, enthusiastic, willing, respect for company and staff. SKILLS: Communication, literacy, computer (what is specific to their work experience) EXPERIENCE: Doesn’t necessarily have to be course related – use experience in how they can apply themselves eg. Sports, projects, interests & hobbies, part time work etc.. QUALITY!

5 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Examples Examples!

6 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Work experience may not create an immediate job but it is a great reference point where they could be contacted again at a later date if a vacancy arises or recommend them for another position through their business networks.

7 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Preparation The student should be focused and clear about what they can do and what they want to achieve out the work experience placement Personal and vocational skills audit Identify and be clear about specific goals Types of tasks that they feel comfortable doing and what they would like to improve on or learn Identify the days and hours that they can give a commitment to Location Type of work environment

8 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Preparation and Planning The student needs to be aware of their weaknesses in skills, attitude and ability as well as the barriers, challenges or difficulties they may experience in the workplace. They should have contingency plans in place to deal with any challenges they may feel might hinder the success of their work experience placement

9 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Strengths What areas do I feel comfortable in? Skills Ability Attitude Weakness What areas do I need to improve? Skills Ability Attitude Opportunities What are the benefits for me? What is there for me to achieve? Barriers What is preventing me from being successful? What issues do I have to overcome?

10 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Curriculum Vitae This document is used to promote the student to the prospective employers. Recommended that the CV should follow a template Employers are now screening cv’s and interviewing students for work experience placements. They identify areas of competencies expressed in the CV that are relevant to their organisations requirements, CV should reflect this by providing the relevant information.

11 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Curriculum Vitae It is a selling tool, which should be accurate, adapted to suit the position being applied for, amended and updated to reflect new modules and work experience. What was used last year is no longer current. LAYOUT LANGUAGE SPELLING ACCURACY AND NEATNESS RELEVANCE OF INFORMATION PROVIDED

12 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Covering letter The covering letter is a tool used to screen and identify the competencies of the applicant. e.g. Initiative, neatness, attention to detail, grammar, spelling, relevance of information

13 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Covering Letter Points to be included in letter. Addressed directly to the person responsible for recruitment Title and position Reference made to where the position was advertised Clarify the position which the candidate is applying for Provide an outline of their qualities, skills, attitude Letter can be handwritten or typed Accuracy, layout, grammar and spelling are important.

14 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Obtaining Work Experience Identify companies Identify the most appropriate contact person Forward a copy of CV and letter either by email or post Follow up with a call either in person or by telephone

15 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Going for Interview Preparation is very important it gives the student confidence. This is also useful for their Learner Record and Assessment Report Talk to somebody Do some research Review their personal and vocational skills audit Practice answering questions Bring a copy of their CV Dress neatly and appropriately Get clear directions

16 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Under the Employment Equality Act 1998 Employers are obliged to ask competency based questions which enable them to assess the candidates ability to carry out the tasks assigned to the position they are recruiting for

17 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Questions Therefore, they would ask questions which start with “please describe…” or “explain what you did when…” These are not hypothetical questions starting with “when would you,,,,” or “how would you….” With competency questions, you have to explain the process or procedure in how you carried out or dealt with a particular situation you had experienced.

18 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Co-ordination Question “Please describe a situation when you had several tasks to complete in one day and your supervisor asked you to complete another activity.” This is normally followed by a probing question “How did you prioritise your workload and how did it affect you in completing your work load at the end of the day?”

19 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan The students should be able to talk comfortably about what they can do, how they applied themselves to and the approaches they took in carrying out their course work and their interests and hobbies. Honesty is always recommended.

20 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Work Experience KEY TIPS Always be on time.. If they are not feeling well.. If they are unsure about the task given to them… If they have not completed a task… They should be thorough and neat in their approach to their work. Keep their work area tidy.. Give adequate notice They should try to find a way of fitting in Look for other things to do Observe or assist them Keep a daily record

21 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Daily Record From an employers perspective Provides focus and information of what the student has completed and identify areas where the student still needs to gain experience in Assists in evaluation

22 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Concerns of employers They don’t have sufficient time to guide the student Not enough work to keep the student busy without supervision Having allocated tasks to be completed the student does not arrive for work The tasks assigned do not challenge the student and provide the opportunity to develop sufficiently The student reacts negatively to constructive criticism The student does not participate actively with the team, to support and observe them

23 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Feedback from employers Great resource to assist company during busy periods, get tasks completed that are left and provide cover and support for staff Fresh ideas of how things could be carried out more efficiently or up to date procedures and processes Good opportunity to identify potential employees

24 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan The success of the student on work experience placement is a reflection on the tutors and the Institute

25 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Overview & Questions Planning & Preparation C.V. & Covering Letter Interview Conduct on Work Placement Expectations & Feedback from Employers

26 The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan Thank you! Presented by: Helena Collins 049-4371500

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