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 Born December 8,1886 in Guanajuato, Mexico.  Studied at the San Carlos Academy of Fine Arts in Mexico City around the age of 10  Influenced by Jose.

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Presentation on theme: " Born December 8,1886 in Guanajuato, Mexico.  Studied at the San Carlos Academy of Fine Arts in Mexico City around the age of 10  Influenced by Jose."— Presentation transcript:


2  Born December 8,1886 in Guanajuato, Mexico.  Studied at the San Carlos Academy of Fine Arts in Mexico City around the age of 10  Influenced by Jose Posada  1907 he went to Europe to continue his studies  While in Europe he became friends with many famous artist.

3  Diego Rivera was a world-famous Mexican painter  1922-1953 he paint murals in Mexico City, Chapingo, Cuernavaca, San Francisco, Detroit and New York City.  The murals in Fresco helped establish the Mexican Mural Renaissance

4  Rivera received funding from the government when he returned back to Mexico, to create murals about the country's people and its history on the walls of public buildings.  In 1922, Rivera completed the first of many at the Escuela Nacional Preparatoria in Mexico City.

5  Diego Rivera created this painting to represent the hard working men in Mexico. The painting tells a story about the Peasants (the workers) and how they reflected Mexico’s culture. Many people struggled, so they had to work long hours to earn a living. It is a very simple painting but there is a deep meaning in it.

6  The Flower Seller paintings were painted in 1941 and shows a typical young woman of Mexico in the early 20th century. You can tell she is young due to the braids in her hair, therefore she hasn’t been married yet. The title tells you that she is selling the flowers for a living.


8  I decided to do my power point on Diego Rivera, who is a painter and muralist. He was one of the few artist that I recognized on the list because my mother really likes his art works. She has his painting “Peasant” hanging in the house. Diego Rivera created artwork based on people’s lives in Mexico who worked to earn a living. He is one of the leading artists in the 20 th century. His artworks have a deep meaning behind them all. 43/bio http://www.diego-

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