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Safety Rules, Procedures and Equipment Learning Lab This presentation is designed to familiarize science students with Science Safety Rules, Procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety Rules, Procedures and Equipment Learning Lab This presentation is designed to familiarize science students with Science Safety Rules, Procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety Rules, Procedures and Equipment Learning Lab This presentation is designed to familiarize science students with Science Safety Rules, Procedures and Equipment. It’s no replacement for daily on the job practice. Violations of safety guidelines often lead to serious injury and far worse! Jschmied-jbahr©2013

2 Science safety rules are time tested and (sadly) were made because of real life experiences. Following the rules may save your life some day. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

3 Rules Instructions: In this section you will review the 21 science safety rules. Then you will take a simple test of your skills before going further. Go over each rule carefully before proceeding. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

4 1. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the science laboratory. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

5 2. Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully. Ask your teacher questions if you do not understand the instructions. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

6 3. Do not touch any equipment, supplies, animals, or other materials in the science laboratory without permission from the teacher.. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

7 4. Perform only authorized and approved experiments. Do not conduct any experiments when the teacher is out of the lab. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

8 5. Never eat, drink, chew gum, or taste anything in the science room. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

9 6. Keep hands away from face, eyes, and mouth while using science materials or when working with either chemicals or animals. Wash your hands with soap and water before leaving the laboratory. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

10 7. Wear safety glasses or goggles and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when instructed. Never remove safety glasses, goggles or other PPE during an experiment. There are no exceptions to this rule. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

11 8. Keep your work area and the science lab neat and clean. Bring only your laboratory instructions, worksheets, and writing instruments to the work area. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

12 9. Clean all work areas and equipment at the end of the experiment. Return all equipment clean and in working order to the proper storage area. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

13 10. Follow your teacher’s instruction to properly dispose of any waste materials created in an experiment. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

14 11. Report an accident (Fire, Spill, Breakage etc.) injury (Cut, Burn, etc.) or hazardous condition (faulty or broken equipment etc.) to the teacher immediately. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

15 12. Consider all chemicals used in the laboratory to be dangerous. Do not touch or smell any chemicals unless specifically instructed to do so. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

16 13. Handle all animals with care and respect. a. Open animal cages only with permission. b. Never handle any animals when the teacher is out of the laboratory. c. Do not take animals out of the laboratory. d. Do not tease or handle animals roughly. e. Keep animals away from student’s faces f. Wear gloves when handling animals. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

17 14. Always carry a Microscope with both hands. Hold the arm, or yoke, with one hand; place the other hand under the base. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

18 15. Treat all preserved specimen And dissecting supplies with care and respect. a. Do not remove preserved specimens from the laboratory. b. Use scalpels, scissors, and other sharp instruments only as instructed. c. Never cut any material towards you. Always cut away from your body. d. Report any cut or scratch from sharp instruments to the teacher immediately. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

19 16. Never open storage cabinets or enter the Prep Room without permission from the teacher. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

20 17. Do not remove chemicals, equipment, supplies, or animals from the laboratory without permission from the teacher Jschmied-jbahr©2013

21 18. Handle all glassware with care. Never pick up hot or broken glassware with your bare hands. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

22 19. Use extreme caution when using matches, a burner or hot plate. Only light burners when instructed and do not put anything in the flame unless specifically instructed to do so. Do not leave a lit burner unattended. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

23 20. Dress properly. Long hair must be tied back. No dangling Jewelry. No loose or baggy clothing. Wear closed toed shoes. Wear aprons/goggles when instructed. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

24 21. Learn where the safety equipment is located and how to use it. Know where the exits are located and what to do in case of an emergency or fire drill. Jschmied-jbahr©2013 Fume Hood is In Prep Room Front right of Science Lab

25 Safety Equipment This section is for students to practice their knowledge of the: Location and Purpose of all safety equipment in the lab. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

26 Purpose: To call the Fire Dept as soon as possible Jschmied-jbahr©2013

27 Location: Behind instructor's desk, or on front wall to right of white board. Purpose: For Fighting Class Alpha, Bravo, & Charlie fires only! (No Class Delta!) Jschmied-jbahr©2013

28 Location: In the upper cabinet between lab stations 4 & 8 Purpose: a. To beat out fire on person. b. To keep victim warm. c. To elevate head or feet. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

29 Location: Chemical Spill Kit is under the computer desk Purpose: To neutralize acid and base spills, To absorb solvent spills. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

30 Location: Fire Bucket is under the student computer desk Purpose: To absorb spills, throw on fire & fill bucket with water Jschmied-jbahr©2013

31 Location: In bottom left hand drawer of Instructor Desk Purpose: To treat minor cuts. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

32 Location: On front left side of Demonstration Desk Purpose: To Flush eyes in case of chemical contact (15 mins min!) Jschmied-jbahr©2013

33 Location: In Room 134 across the hall and to the right from Mr S's room Purpose: To flush entire body when exposed to corrosive liquids. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

34 Location: In Room 134 – go out Mr S’s door to the right. Room 134 is down 20 feet and across the hall. Purpose: To ventilate hazardous fumes from the work area Jschmied-jbahr©2013

35 Location: To the left of Room 134's door. Purpose: To release Prep Room Door in an emergency Jschmied-jbahr©2013

36 Location: On front wall under Television. Purpose: To Call 911 for The Emergency Operator or 6806 for the Nurse! Jschmied-jbahr©2013

37 Location: Under the White board in front of the room Purpose: To shut off all the bench outlets, except the computers. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

38 Location: On wall to right of inside exit door Purpose: To start up the Lab Air Ventilation System. (goes for 45 mins at a time.) Jschmied-jbahr©2013

39 Location: Under sink in Lab Display Station THE GAS IS ON AND THE AIR IS OFF IN THIS PHOTO! Purpose: To shut off gas (green handle) and air (red handle) in the entire classroom. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

40 Location: In the Upper Cabinets between Lab Station 1 & 2 Purpose: To protect wearer's eyes from chemical or mechanical injury. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

41 Location: In the lower cabinet between Lab stations 4 & 8 Purpose: To protect people from corrosive spills. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

42 Location: In each lab station single door cabinet. There's a Chemical spill plastic dustpan under sink of demonstration station. Purpose: To safely clean up broken glass, spill materials, & debris.. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

43 Location: Depends on the lab. Instructor will notify class. The HAZ Waste container is always in secondary containers in case of tipping over. Purpose: To safely store hazardous waste for further disposal. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

44 Safety Procedures A solid knowledge of safety procedures may help you save someone’s life someday! It did for me a number of times, both in and out of the Coast Guard. In this section you should take careful notes on the safety procedures on your student safety procedures handout. Your notes should be used to study for the final safety exam. Jschmied-jbahr©2013

45 The Fire Triangle What are the three methods to put out a fire? Oxygen Fuel Heat Take away: 1.Oxygen 2. Fuel 3. Heat from the fire …….. and the fire will go out! Jschmied-jbahr©2013

46 What is the response to ALL FIRES at Skyview? 1.If small fire – Take initial action by putting on water or use fire extinguisher 2. If dangerous - Pull fire alarm 4. Call 911 and tell Operator information 3. Evacuate - go to fire drill station Jschmied-jbahr©2013

47 Emergencies (general) Calling 911. 1. Location - Skyview JHS 2. Specific Location - Science Lab A135, lower level 3. Nature of emergency (Fire, injury, poisoning etc) Jschmied-jbahr©2013

48 Chemical Spills on People and things Dry Chemicals spill – External (on you)? 1. Brush off, then Flush for 15 mins 2. Call and get Nurse #6806 3. 911 if major 4. Clean up spill Jschmied-jbahr©2013

49 Chemical Spills on People and things Wet Chemical spill on you – External? 1. Flush for 15 mins 2. Call and get Nurse #6806 3. 911 if major 4. Clean up spill Jschmied-jbahr©2013

50 Chemical Spills on People and things Swallowed Chemical – Wet or Dry 1. Treat for Shock – Upright position 2. Call and get Nurse #6806 3. 911 if major 4. Clean up spill Jschmied-jbahr©2013

51 Chemical Spills on People and things For Cleanup of Chemical Spills on counter/floor Call Instructor to assist you for small spills. Larger ones, get help and stay away! 1. Wet – Cover with kitty litter or sand from fire bucket 2. Both wet and dry – Sweep up and dispose of it in double plastic bag. 3. Flush or wash off area. 4. However, If hazardous fumes etc, evacuate immediately and call 911 Jschmied-jbahr©2013

52 Electrical Shock! 1. Turn off the Electrical Shut Off 2. Treat for shock – 3. Call nurse and get nurse 6806. 4. Call 911 Jschmied-jbahr©2013

53 Biological Hazard Prevention Precautions 1. Wash Hands after labs 3. Clean Lab surfaces regularly with disinfectant Major Hazards are infections 2. Use proper Personal Protective Equipment (Goggles, Aprons, long pants, closed toe shoes etc) Jschmied-jbahr©2013

54 Injured student 1.Call for Help – Teacher if not involved. Otherwise get nearest teacher! 2. Call and get Nurse #6806 3. Call 911 if major Jschmied-jbahr©2013

55 Safety Rules, Procedures and Equipment Learning Lab The End!

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