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ADJECTIVES & ADVERBS BY: COURTNEY SMITH. ADJECTIVES An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or pronoun. Adjectives state what kind, what color, which.

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Presentation on theme: "ADJECTIVES & ADVERBS BY: COURTNEY SMITH. ADJECTIVES An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or pronoun. Adjectives state what kind, what color, which."— Presentation transcript:


2 ADJECTIVES An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or pronoun. Adjectives state what kind, what color, which one or how many. They make the sentences more clearer or more exact. They make the sentence more descriptive. Ex: The large elephant eat all the pie. In the sentences above the adjectives are “The large…..all the..”

3 ADJECTIVES There are 6 types of adjectives: The first type are the Personal Titles. Are Personal Title is when you have a title that connects to your name. Ex: Mr. and Mrs. John Carter just got married. In the sentence above, the Personal Titles are “Mr.…Mrs.....” because it give the nouns a title.

4 ADJECTIVES The second type of adjective is the Possessive Adjective. A possesive adjective shows possession. Ex: Their house is beautiful. In this sentence, “their” is the possessive adjective, because it describes whose house it is. They are also known as possessive pronouns.

5 ADJECTIVES The next type is the Article Adjective. Article adjectives are split into two groups, indefinite and definite. Indefinite articles are “a and “an” because they do not point out a specific subject. Where as “the”, a definite article, does. Ex: The house had a dog in front of it. In the sentence above “the” and “a” are the article adjectives.

6 ADJECTIVES The next type of adjective is the Demonstrative Adjective. A demonstrative adjective demonstrates or indicates specific things. Ex: These apples taste better then those. In this sentence, “These” and “those” are the demonstrative adjectives because they indicate the apples.

7 ADJECTIVES The next type is Indefinite Adjectives. Indefinite adjectives are formed from indefinite pronouns. Common indefinite adjectives are, no, any, many, few and several. Ex: Few people like Miley Cyrus, now. In the sentence above, “few” is the indefinite pronoun.

8 ADJECTIVES The final type of adjectives are Numbers. Numbers explain how many of a noun there is. Some numbers are six, eight, forty-two, nineteen. Ex: The fourteen girls danced seven routines for their show. In the sentence above, “fourteen’ and “seven” are the number adjectives.

9 ADVERBS Adverbs say where, when, to what extent and in what manner. Most adverbs end in –ly, but not all of them Some adverbs are that say where something is are, everywhere, here and there. Ex: Everywhere I look I see flying turtles. In the sentence above, “everywhere” is the adverb in this sentence.

10 ADVERBS The 2 nd kind of adverb tells when. This adverb answer the question “when?” Some of the words are, yesterday, today, now, daily, etc. Ex: Yesterday, I went to the pool with my friends. In that sentence, “yesterday” is the adverb.

11 ADVERBS The next adverb tells to what extent. They answer question like “how much?” or “to what degree?” They modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. Examples are very, quite, entirely, etc. Ex: The very pretty girl run around my block. In this sentence, “very” is the adverb that shows to what degree.

12 ADVERBS The last type of adverb is in what manner. These adverbs answer the question “how?” They mainly modify verbs. Some examples are slowly, fast, carefully, etc. Ex: The girly ran quickly around the track. In the sentence, quickly is the adverb that answers the question “how?”

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