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Administrative Software for CTC/AVTS Central Susquehanna IU Moving forward with you. Sally Shovlin & John Wargo – CSIU Pat Adams – Venango CTC.

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Presentation on theme: "Administrative Software for CTC/AVTS Central Susquehanna IU Moving forward with you. Sally Shovlin & John Wargo – CSIU Pat Adams – Venango CTC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Administrative Software for CTC/AVTS Central Susquehanna IU Moving forward with you. Sally Shovlin & John Wargo – CSIU Pat Adams – Venango CTC

2 Agenda Intro Financial Software Student Software SIF PIMS Future ideas? Q & A

3 Financial Applications Assets Inventory Bidding/Purchasing Consumables Inventory Fund Accounting Payroll Personnel CSIU financial applications work together seamlessly to give you maximum flexibility and control over all aspects of financial record keeping and reporting. The software stays aligned with PDE requirements, helping you to comply with the ever-changing reporting guidelines. Other functionality addresses Act 48, PSERS, GAAP, and GASB-34 specifications. An underlying security module allows you complete control over your data.

4 Student Applications Achievement/ Discipline Attendance Grading Health Scheduling Special Education Transportation Grade book/Parent Access CSIU’s new web based student applications combine user-friendly data entry screens, fully automated processes, and comprehensive reports to provide a complete data management system. Each student application shares tables of basic demographic information to maximize efficiency and consistency. Web-posting of absences and grades further adds to the accessibility of this system by allowing teachers to do real- time data entry from any Internet- ready computer.

5 The SIF Connection Schools Interoperability Framework WWW.SIFINFO.ORG Imagine a day when all of your administrative and instructional systems work hand in hand without proprietary interfaces. Not only will this streamline your daily operations, but it will also save you time and money in technical support. Our participation in this initiative means CSIU customers can benefit from seamless integration with cafeteria, library, curriculum, and other software systems. CSIU can help you get started with SIF integration. Call us at (570) 523- 1155, ext. 2128 for details.

6 CSIU Technology Group & Schools Interoperability Framework Facilitating the Future.

7 WHAT is SIF? The Schools Interoperability Framework (SIF) is an industry initiative to develop a blueprint for K-12 software that will enable diverse applications to interact and share data seamlessly, now and in the future. Schools Interoperability Framework WWW.SIFINFO.ORG

8 WHAT are the benefits of SIF? SIF can save you time and money. Shared data eliminates redundant data entry. Integration means consistent and accurate data across applications. SIF is vendor-neutral and platform- independent. Your state and federal reporting can become more efficient.

9 WHAT software is SIF-enabled? Administrative software Library systems Food services Gradebook software Network management Transportation systems Data warehouses Instructional management And many more

10 HOW do we get connected? CSIU offers SIF Integration Services to help you bring your administrative and instructional software into the “SIF ZONE.” We can help you with: Analysis and Planning Configuration and Implementation Ongoing Technical Support

11 PIMS CTE templates Grads – CTCs don’t graduate students. Unless they are a comprehensive CTC. PSSA – CTCS/AVTS don’t usually give the PSSAs, so again, the CTC data isn’t supplied to DRC. CTC’s don’t do special ed, the home district should be reporting. CTC’s don’t usually report truancy because it goes back to the home district to do, but in some cases they also won’t report discipline since that may also be handled at the district level. Child Accounting – PIMS School Calendar – SD uses CTE-PT-H and CTC uses CTE-PT, CTE-FT, etc. HQT: some CTC schools don’t have any core content courses, so HQT doesn’t apply to them. District Snapshot: CTC schools don’t have kindergarten, so they won’t have a kindergarten entry age. This template will be used to collect aggregate count of immigrants next summer though, so the CTC schools might have to report it then. Student Snapshots: CTC schools need to submit the CUMULATIVE student snapshot every June 30.

12 PIMS - new The only major change coming for the upcoming year for CTCs is including adult learners. Adult Ed Webinar this week. – will explain default values; District of Residence for example is not needed for adults so there will be a default value to use. – A revised manual will be released shortly and there will be handout information at the webinars. Templates are student- AAP grade level, student snapshot and CTE student industry fact and student credential. This is a transition and needs to have adults included. New method of delivery codes to get the statistics that are new fields needed ADA definition in the student template. PELS grant information. This is Adult Affidavit programs. If they were reported/registered in PAPSA/CATS system. If an adult program was registered but not operational, then they would need to email Steve at PDE. Data is for Perkins requirements and Adult Career and Technical data for division of subsidy for adult instructors. Beware: Most SIS’s don’t all have the ability to include the adult students and many schools will need to create templates manually.

13 CSIU E-Rate Services Qualified Solutions.

14 Future ideas?

15 Q & A Sally Shovlin – Financial Application Support Manager – John Wargo – Partner & Client Solutions Manager –

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