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Starting a career By, Charles, Chen, and Wenyu. About myself WENYU MA Major : Accountancy and Finance I would like to start a career like accountant or.

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Presentation on theme: "Starting a career By, Charles, Chen, and Wenyu. About myself WENYU MA Major : Accountancy and Finance I would like to start a career like accountant or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starting a career By, Charles, Chen, and Wenyu

2 About myself WENYU MA Major : Accountancy and Finance I would like to start a career like accountant or Financial planner. To be an accountant, I should pass the CPA test and become a certified public accountant. For a career in Finance, I should pass the CFA test after I graduate from ASU. A Bachelor’s degree is necessary for starting a career. If I want to be much better, I have to apply for Master’s degree in the future. I still need more knowledge about accounting and finance.

3 Career Process Having a career is different than doing an internship or social work: Having a career is the most important way to make you create and secure your social position in future life. Doing an internship allows you get more social experience. However, an internship or social work is still important to improve yourself and prepare you for your career.

4 Internship - Benefits 1.Doing an internship makes you familiar with the work environment. 2.Let’s you see how people manage their employees in the company or market. 3.How to transfer book-knowledge to the workplace. 4.Helps you understand all levels within the company, from bottom to top.

5 Ways to connect with a company After I meet all the academic requirements for a career: 1.I will apply to a company that fits my interests and career goals, and I will seek out assistance from a career coach. 2.Understand the requirements for each company and find the position that fits my education and internship training. 3.I will individually craft and submit my resume and cover letters to fit each position that I apply for.

6 Available Positions About the positions: 1.I will start searching at the base employee positions in a company in order to better understand the culture and work environment. 1.I plan to approach my career goals one step at a time until I earn a higher position within a company.

7 Don’t think about jobs yet, think about your talents and interests.

8 My job orientation Mengke Chen My major is Supply Chain Management & Business Entrepreneurship, my goal is to find an internship and jobs then try to find the way to start my own business.

9 How do I get an internship 1.Search the Internet I recommend one website to find the internship:

10 How do I get an internship con’t. 2. Start with my own school, begin at the career center, asking the staff about on-campus internships, or visit the different departments, such as the supply chain management department, in which I would like to intern and present my resume, ask about openings.

11 How do I get an internship con’t. 3.Scout out the surrounding companies that are geographically within reach by public transportation or car. Again, I can check in with ASU Career Center about local internships and make an application. I want to request information for an interview with a company about internships in order to get my foot in the door.

12 How do I get an internship con’t. 4. I found some full-time internship with academic credit, if I like this, I may want to talk with my academic advisor about rearranging my classes or going to school an extra semester in order to take advantage of a great internship.

13 Connection Career Fairs give ASU students and prospective employers a way to establish professional relationships, students get the chance to learn more in-depth information about their future careers from company and organizational representatives.

14 Positions Available If you want to find a job for supply chain management, there is the website for jobs.

15 Business Communication ●My major is Business Communication ●I would be going for a General and Operations manager position

16 Education ●You would have to get your Bachelor's degree. Also may involve some more additional schooling, like getting your Masters degree. ●Go to a Business school ●Go to your career coaches and advising to figure out what company and field you will fall best in.

17 Internship ●Apply to an internship that falls for your major or career interest ●I would apply for a management internship ●To show you the type of skills or hard dedication you need ●Example: College works painting and AMP

18 Internship continued ●Which teaches you how to manage your own business. ●You learn how to market your business ●Shows you how to use a budget ●How to manage your employees ●Also shows you how to make profit ●You also will have experience for companies you apply for

19 Connections ●Using LinkdIn ●Going to career fairs strictly looking for individuals in your specific major ●Talk to your advisor to help you talk to their connections ●Talk to your career coach for connections

20 Positions available This is a good website to find jobs for Operation manager positions. ● perations-manager

21 Overall ●We are all involved with a business relation. ●They can work together because they're all broken into their own section of how a business functions successfully. ●They all overlap by needing the same education or even more just for more advantage. ●They all create the companies image ●All create communication to how all the companies would make money

22 Overall continued ●They are different because they are different operations one is dealing with the companies financials, and the other can involve the way a product gets picked up to how the product gets delivered, and the other is with coming with ideas and managing all the operations to flow well

23 Work cited "Advertising, Business Administration, Buyer, Collaboration, Consultant, Customer Service, Decision Making, Documentation, Human Resources, Labor Relations, Mediation, Negotiation, Organization, Presentation, Process Information, Promotions, Public Relations, Research, Strategic, Teamwork, Training, Analysis, Lobbying, Marketing, Sales." Results. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2015. "Operations Manager Jobs." On N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2015. "10 Tips on How to Start a New Career." - For Dummies. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2015.

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