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Microprocessor and Microcontroller Based Systems Instructor: Eng.Moayed N. EL Mobaied The Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Electrical.

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Presentation on theme: "Microprocessor and Microcontroller Based Systems Instructor: Eng.Moayed N. EL Mobaied The Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Electrical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Based Systems Instructor: Eng.Moayed N. EL Mobaied The Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Electrical Engineering Department بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم EELE 4315 — Fall 2010

2 SYLLABUS Instructor: Eng. Moayed N. Almobaied Room: B229 Telephone: 2875 E-mail:

3 Course Objectives Provide students with the opportunity to gain experience in: Microprocessor-based system design. Assembly language programming. I/O interfacing to PIC microcontrollers.

4 Textbook & References Textbook: Lecture Notes References Microchip, “PIC16F84A Data Sheet”, 2001 A.P.Godse "Microprocessors and interfacing",2007 Nebojsa Matic, " PIC microcontrollers", 2003 Tim Wilmshurst " Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers",2007 Fred Stevens "Getting started with PIC microcontrollers",1997 john B. Peatman "Embedded Design with PIC 18F452 Microcontroller",2003

5 Outline Introduction to Microcontrollers PIC Family Microcontrollers PIC 16F84 Concepts Instruction Set Assembly Language Programming Addressing Modes -Delay Loop Interrupts-Look Up Table –Memories C Language Programming Applications Selected Projects

6 Grading & Grading Policy Midterm exam ……… ….....30 % Quizzes …………….…………….10 % Project ……………………….…..20 % Final exam …………..…………40 % Regular attendance of this class is necessary to receive a passing grade. Cellular phones should be off or on silent ring during class in order to keep classroom distractions at a minimum. Cheating will not be tolerated and will be dealt with decisively.

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