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POST WEBSITE OVERVIEW Area 8 Training Managers Workshop Computer Services Bureau 4/5/2012.

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Presentation on theme: "POST WEBSITE OVERVIEW Area 8 Training Managers Workshop Computer Services Bureau 4/5/2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 POST WEBSITE OVERVIEW Area 8 Training Managers Workshop Computer Services Bureau 4/5/2012

2 Full redesign in early 2011 Header redesign 2012 Dedicated area for Training Managers Improved field tools: – Mobile site – POST ID lookup – CPT/Perishable skills status – SBSLI/ Command College learning management Slide 2

3 Quick Links Links of general interest to Law Enforcement Slide 3

4 POST News Latest Website material is noted here Email Alerts icon allows subscription to various Newsletters Tweets are sent when items change Next: Email Alerts Slide 4

5 Email Alerts Click to Subscribe Slide 5

6 Email Alerts, continued… Slide 6 Fill in email address

7 Email Alerts, continued… You will receive a confirmation email Click the link in the confirmation email to activate your subscription To subscribe, select each box To unsubscribe, un- check the box(es) Slide 7

8 Twitter Feed: APRs, POST News, Bulletins, Regulatory Actions Click to Subscribe Slide 8

9 Helpful Tools POST developed Web applications that provide targeted information to the field: – POST ID lookup – CPT lookup – Analyzing the feasibility of full profile lookups Start here: Slide 9

10 POST ID Lookup Slide 10

11 POST ID Lookup, select… Slide 11

12 POST ID Lookup, continued… Slide 12

13 CPT Lookup Slide 13

14 CPT Lookup, continued… Next: Mobile Slide 14

15 POST Mobile Slide 15

16 Tools Available on POST Mobile Slide 16

17 Tools Available on POST Mobile POST ID Lookup Slide 17

18 Tools Available on POST Mobile Next: Information For Slide 18

19 “Information For” Groups Information is organized for specific audiences No unique information: every page can also be found through the menus If you have link suggestions, please send them Slide 19

20 Information For Training Managers Slide 20 Made for you!! If you have link suggestions, please contact me

21 Information For Training Managers: Regulatory Actions Training / Testing specifications changes Language changes Slide 21

22 Information For Training Managers: Regional Training Map All Regional Consultants listed by assigned region Email, phone contacts Consultant information links accessed by clicking consultant name or on the map Slide 22

23 Example: Region 4 Consultant Page Regional Consultant Slide 23

24 Information For Training Managers: Regional Skills Training Centers Click markers to see: – Contact details – Directions – Training offered (driving or force) Slide 24

25 Information For Training Managers: Background Investigation Manual Publication Slide 25

26 Information For Training Managers: Background Investigation Manual, continued… Personal History Statements Slide 26

27 Information For Training Managers: Background Investigation Manual, continued… Sample Forms Slide 27

28 Information For Training Managers: POST Administrative Manual (PAM) Specific info Slide 28

29 Information For Training Managers: POST Administrative Manual (PAM), continued… Slide 29

30 Information For Training Managers: Training Administrators Course Training Administrators Course Request Link Slide 30

31 Information For Training Managers: Training Administrators Course, continued… Slide 31

32 Information For Training Managers: Training Delivery & Compliance Bureau Slide 32

33 Search Function and Site Map All information on the website can be found with the search feature  Type a word or topic to search Every page is available from the Site Map Slide 33 Search Here Site Map

34 Site Map: A Table of Contents for the POST Website Press “Control-F” to search the Site Map Slide 34 Next: Training Tab

35 Training Tab: Overview More than 100 pages of Training Materials, updated frequently Slide 35

36 Training Home Page Slide 36

37 Training Courses Homepage Slide 37

38 Training Programs Homepage Slide 38

39 Field Training Slide 39

40 Legislatively Mandated Training Slide 40

41 Requalification Next: Other Tabs of Interest Slide 41

42 Menu Items of Interest: California LE Job Opportunities Click to sort by columns Slide 42 Follow directions to submit job Next: Certificates Tab

43 Certificates Tab: Regulations, Instructions, etc. Slide 43 Next: Resources Tab

44 Resources Tab Slide 44 Next: Publications Tab

45 Publications Tab Slide 45 Next: Forms Tab

46 Forms Tab Slide 46 EDI App Next: About Us Tab

47 About Us Tab Find help here: – Phone list – Meetings – Org chart – Feedback form Slide 45

48 About Us, continued… POST Phone List Slide 48

49 To Download This Presentation: Go to the POST Website Questions or Comments? Contact the POST Web Team: Thank you! Slide 49

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