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UNIT 9 TEST REVIEW GPS U.S. History. SSCG 21 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Huge growth of population after WWII from mid 1940s – 1960s? Baby Boom.

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2 SSCG 21

3 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Huge growth of population after WWII from mid 1940s – 1960s? Baby Boom

4 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Baby Boom contributed to? Levittowns

5 Post World War II: Domestic Changes First master-planned community in America located on New York’s Long Island? Levittown

6 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Congressional authorized Construction of a national network of highways to connect every major city in America? Interstate Highway Act

7 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This was a major reason that Eisenhower pushed for the Interstate Highway Act? National Defense

8 Post World War II: Domestic Changes The Interstate Highway Act also improve this type of transportation? Travel from Suburbs to City

9 Post World War II: Domestic Changes For the first time in U.S. History the 1960 Presidential election was influenced by this? Television

10 Post World War II: Domestic Changes The two candidates in the1960 Presidential debate that was televised? Kennedy/Nixon

11 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This caused many in the U.S. to become sympathetic to the Civil Rights movement? News Coverage

12 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This changed communication in the United States from home to home? Personal Computer / Internet

13 Post World War II: Domestic Changes The Personal Computer (Internet) caused what to happen internationally? Increase in Business

14 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This improved communication throughout the United States? Cellular Phone

15 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Cell phone & Personal computer caused this in the United States? Communications Revolution

16 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This permitted more tolerable working conditions in skyscrapers and other buildings used to conduct business? Air Conditioning

17 SSCG 22

18 Post World War II: Domestic Changes U.S. President responsible for integrating the U.S. Military and the Federal Government? President Harry Truman

19 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Organizing government jobs and military positions regardless of race? Integration

20 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Harry Truman’s action integrating the federal government? Executive Order 9980

21 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Harry Truman’s action integrating the U.S. Military? Executive Order 9981

22 Post World War II: Domestic Changes First African American to integrate professional baseball? Jackie Robinson

23 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Team Jackie Robinson played for when integrated professional sports? Brooklyn Dodgers

24 Post World War II: Domestic Changes U.S. Supreme Court decision that integrates Schools throughout the United States? Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

25 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Browned reversed the decision in this case? Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

26 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Plessy established this legal principle? “Separate but Equal” doctrine

27 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Arkansas Governor that resisted the Brown decision? Orval Faubus

28 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus used this to keep black kids from going to school with whites? National Guard

29 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Orval Faubus used the National Guard to block black students entrance to this school? Little Rock’s Central High School

30 Post World War II: Domestic Changes President that reacted to Governor Faubus’ resistance to Brown? President Eisenhower

31 Post World War II: Domestic Changes President Eisenhower responded this way to Little Rock incident in Arkansas? Forced Integration with U.S. Military

32 Post World War II: Domestic Changes The Civil Rights leader from Atlanta Georgia? Martin Luther King, Jr.

33 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Letter written by Martin Luther King, Jr.? Letter from Birmingham Jail

34 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Letter from Birmingham Jail justified the use of? Disobeying unjust laws as a strategy of social activism

35 Post World War II: Domestic Changes The disobeying of unjust laws as a strategy of social activism is called? Civil Disobedience

36 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Martin Luther King, Jr. addressed this group of people in his Letter from Birmingham Jail? White Ministers

37 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Martin Luther King, Jr. defended use of this in his Letter from Birmingham Jail? Civil Disobedience / Protest & Demonstrations

38 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Made by MLK, Jr. in Washington, D.C. at the Lincoln Memorial asking for peace and racial harmony? “I have a dream” speech

39 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Law that prohibited discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, and gender; Ended Jim Crow? Civil Rights Act of 1964

40 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This motivated Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Assassination of John F. Kennedy

41 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Outlawed literacy tests and created programs to register minority voters in the South; Justice Department to oversee voting is fair? Voting Rights Act of 1965

42 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This prohibits segregation in public places? Civil Rights Act of 1964

43 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Southern resistance to African Americans participation in voting resulted in this? Voting Rights Act of 1965

44 SSCG 23

45 Post World War II: Domestic Changes During the 1950’s and 1960s, one of the most liberal Supreme Courts; Issued Brown (1954), Miranda (1963)? Warren Court

46 Post World War II: Domestic Changes U.S. Supreme Court case that said police must inform suspects of their constitutional rights at the time of arrest? Miranda v. Arizona

47 Post World War II: Domestic Changes The Warren Court expanded this during the 1950s and the 1960s liberal movement? Individual Rights

48 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This tragedy happened in 1963 in Dallas Texas, but helped push Civil Rights legislation through Congress in 1964? Assassination of John F. Kennedy

49 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This Vice President become President of the United States after JFK’s assassination? Lyndon B. Johnson

50 Post World War II: Domestic Changes President Johnson had this due to the assassination of JFK and used it to push his domestic package through Congress? Political Capital

51 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This is the name of President Johnson’s Domestic plan? Great Society Program

52 Post World War II: Domestic Changes The Great Society Program declared this throughout the U.S.? War on Poverty

53 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This was part of the Great Society Program and offered medical help to elderly people? Medicare

54 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This year was full of social and political turmoil in the United States? 1968

55 Post World War II: Domestic Changes In 1968, this televised event in Vietnam caused many to oppose the war with public protests? Tet Offensive

56 Post World War II: Domestic Changes The event resulted in many African Americans rioting in cities across the U.S.? Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination

57 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This was passed by Congress one week after MLK, Jr’s death and prevented discrimination in housing? Civil Rights Act of 1968

58 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This individual was killed while running for President and supported Civil Rights and withdrawal from Vietnam in 1968? Robert F. Kennedy

59 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This made people wander if the American form of government could tolerate dissent? Democratic National Convention

60 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This televised riot in 1968 showed police in riot gear beating anti-war rioters and spraying them with tear gas? Democratic National Convention

61 SSCG 24

62 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Founded by MLK, Jr. to carry out nonviolent marches, protests, demonstrations against racial discrimination; remains nonviolent? SCLC

63 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Founded by African American college students, used sit-ins, Freedom rides, originally nonviolent but turned militant in the “black power” movement? SNCC

64 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Rides on buses in southern states to see if laws against segregation would be enforced on buses? Freedom Rides

65 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Whites and blacks would sit together at lunch counters across south to oppose segregation in public cafes? Sit-Ins

66 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Modern feminist organization created to promote equal rights and opportunities for Women? NOW

67 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Book written that stated that it was a myth that women wanted to be a domesticated house wife and not enter professional careers? Feminine Mystique

68 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Author of Feminine Mystique and a leader of the National Organization for Women (NOW)? Betty Friedan

69 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Main goal of the National Organization for Women (NOW)? Equal pay; Equal opportunity in the Workforce

70 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Mexican American civil rights leader for Hispanic immigrant farm laborers? Cesar Chavez

71 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Chavez founded this movement to used nonviolent protest to promote the rights of Hispanic workers? United Farm Workers (UFW)

72 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Cesar Chavez used this non- violent strategy to get grape growers to negotiate a contract with the UFW? Boycott

73 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This is the product that Cesar Chavez and UFW boycotted? California Table Grapes

74 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This individual became the leader of the Modern Environmental Movement? Rachel Carson

75 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Rachel Carson was the author of this book? Silent Spring

76 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Silent Spring led the environment movement by opposing use of this in farming? Chemicals/Pesticides

77 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Silent Spring led the environment movement by opposing use of this particular insecticide? DDT

78 Post World War II: Domestic Changes April 22 intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the earth’s environment? Earth Day

79 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Federal Agency with the purpose of enforcing laws aimed at maintaining a safe and clean environment? Environmental Protection Agency

80 Post World War II: Domestic Changes Movement to turn back (Backlash) liberal agendas by cutting social welfare, taxes, decrease the size of government? Conservative Movement

81 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This candidate won the Republican nomination for President in 1964 signaling the rise of the Conservative Movement? Barry Goldwater

82 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This conservative won the President Election of 1968? Richard Nixon

83 SSCG 25

84 Post World War II: Domestic Changes 1973 Supreme Court case that said women had a 4 th Amendment Privacy right to Abortion within the first trimester of Pregnancy? Roe v. Wade

85 Post World War II: Domestic Changes 1978 Supreme Court case that said race could be used when considering applications to college? Bakke v. University of California

86 Post World War II: Domestic Changes The Supreme Court, in the Bakke case, said that this was unconstitutional and could not be used in considering college applications? Quota System

87 Post World War II: Domestic Changes This concept refers to preferential hiring practices of African Americans and other Minorities? Affirmative Action

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