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1. Aerobic Capacity (Cardio-vascular/respiratory capacity) 2. Body Composition (Ratio of body fat to lean body mass) 3. Muscle Strength 4. Muscle Endurance.

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3 1. Aerobic Capacity (Cardio-vascular/respiratory capacity) 2. Body Composition (Ratio of body fat to lean body mass) 3. Muscle Strength 4. Muscle Endurance 5. Muscle Flexibility

4  highest amount of oxygen consumed during maximal exercise in activities that use the large muscle groups in the legs or arms and legs combined.  Oxygen Only Please!

5  The amount of fat in the body compared to the amount of lean mass  components-of-physical-fitness.html

6  The amount of force a muscle or group of muscles can exert against a heavy resistance  physical-fitness.html

7  The ability for a muscle or group of muscles to repeat a movement many times or hold a position for an extended length of time  physical-fitness.html

8  The degree at which a single muscle can lengthen  http://www.functional-fitness- fitness.html

9  The answer is CrossFit › Crossfit incorporates all 5 dimensions plus more

10  “The Sport of Fitness”  A core Strength and Conditioning Program › developed to enhance an individual’s competency at all physical tasks (Training Guide)

11  Cardiovascular  Respiratory endurance  Stamina  Strength  Flexibility  Power  Speed  Coordination  Agility  Balance  Accuracy

12  Consistently Varied Consistently Varied  Functional Movements Functional Movements  High intensity High intensity Using movements we do everyday, just like the cavemen Check out these links

13  Kids CrossFit  Teen CrossFit  CrossFit Light  Regular  Hopefully in the Future Physical Education Classes and School Teams

14  “Workout Of The Day” 1. warm-up 2. a skill development 3. the high-intensity WOD 4. period of individual or group stretching

15  “constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement ”  What other program can go almost 3 years without doing the same workout twice Another new WOD today! YAY!

16  Airsquat  Front squat  Over the head squat  Deadlift  sumo-deadlift to high pull  Shoulder press  Push press  Push jerk  Medicine ball clean Split Jerk

17  Use your hips!!!! Don’t Be That Guy

18 1. For Time 2. AMRAP 3. Every Minute On The Minute What’s Your Excuse?

19  Warmup: Burgener Warmup Shoulder Mobility Burgener Warmup  Strength: Find 1RM on Clean & Jerk  WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP: 5 Ring Pushups 20 Double Unders  Cool Down: 400M Walk and Foam Roll Lifting something from ground to over your head That looks like all the concepts in one workout

20  1 st Step: › Find an Affiliate (CrossFit Gym)  2 nd Step: › Set up your On Ramp Coarse

21  3 rd Step: › Complete 4 On Ramp Coarses  4 th and Last Step: › Go CrossFit in group classes

22  components-of-physical-fitness.html components-of-physical-fitness.html   inars_TrainingGuide_REV122011.pdf inars_TrainingGuide_REV122011.pdf  content/uploads/2009/10/9- Movements.pdf content/uploads/2009/10/9- Movements.pdf  seminars/CertRefs/CFD_L1_ParticipantHand book_Revised_02.pdf

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