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Kathleen S. Verderber Rudolph F. Verderber

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1 Kathleen S. Verderber Rudolph F. Verderber
Inter-act Kathleen S. Verderber Rudolph F. Verderber 2005 Wadsworth 11th Edition True measure of success of this book is its applicability – whether or not you can use the info to improve your own communication and help others to do the same in relationships.

Interpersonal Communication is a process. People exercise mutual responsibility in creating meaning. We create and manage our relationships.

3 Why We Communicate Physical Needs Identity Needs Social Needs
Practical Needs

4 Components of Interpersonal communication
Participants (sender & receiver) Context (physical, social, historical, psychological, & cultural) Messages (meaning, symbols, encode, decode) Channels Noise (external, internal, semantic) Feedback

5 Principles of Interpersonal communication
Purposeful Continuous Transactional Relational (complimentary & symmetrical) Irreversible

6 ethics of interpersonal communication
Ethics – A set of moral principles that are held by a society, a group, or an individual. Truthfulness & honesty Integrity Fairness Respect Responsibility Empathy

7 Diversity & interpersonal Communication
Diversity – the variations between and among people affect every aspect of the interpersonal communication process. Culture – the system of beliefs, values, and attitudes shared by a particular segment of the population.

8 Communication Misconceptions
Meanings Are Not in Words Successful Communication Doesn’t Always Involve Shared Understanding More Communication Is Not Always Better No Single Person or Event Causes Another’s Reaction Communication Will Not Solve All Problems

9 What makes an effective communicator?
Communication Competence –the perception that communicative behavior is both effective and appropriate in a given relationship. There Is No “Ideal” Way to Communicate Competence is Situational Competence Is Relational Competence Can Be Learned

10 Characteristics of competent communicators
Possession of a Wide Range of Behaviors Ability to Choose the Most Appropriate Behavior Skill at Performing Behaviors Cognitive Complexity Behavioral Flexibility & Empathy Self-Monitoring & Emotional Intelligence Commitment & Motivation

11 Check your competence Do you have a wide repertoire of response styles or do you always respond in the same way? Are you able to choose the most effective way of behaving for the situation at hand? Are you skillful at performing behaviors? (Note: Knowing how you want to behave isn’t the same as being able to behave.) Do you communicate in a way that leaves you satisfied?

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