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GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Parts of a computer Interactive Quiz.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Parts of a computer Interactive Quiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Parts of a computer Interactive Quiz

2 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Instructions Complete each question by clicking the correct answer! Good Luck!

3 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Which one is an Input device? 1. Floppy disk3. ScannerFloppy diskScanner 2. Monitor4. KeyboardMonitorKeyboard

4 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Hard luck! That is not the correct answer Try again Go to the next question

5 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Well done. Keyboard is the correct answer!!! Go to the next question

6 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Which one is the device that is the "brain" of a computer system? 1. Mouse 3. CPUMouseCPU 2. Scanner4. CD-ROMScannerCD-ROM

7 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Hard luck! That is not the correct answer Try again Go to the next question

8 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Well done. CPU is the correct answer!!! Go to the next question

9 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Which one is an Output device? 1. Joystick 3. Hard DiskJoystickHard Disk 2. Monitor4. MicrophoneMonitorMicrophone

10 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Hard luck! That is not the correct answer Try again Go to the next question

11 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Well done. Monitor is the correct answer!!! Go to the next question

12 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Which part is not an input device? 1. Mouse 3. JoystickMouseJoystick 2. Printer4. MIDI KeyboardPrinterMIDI Keyboard

13 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Hard luck! That is not the correct answer Try again Go to the next question

14 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Well done. Printer is the correct answer!!! Go to the next question

15 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Which one is a storage device? 1. Floppy Disk 3. ModemFloppy DiskModem 2. Headphones4. CPUHeadphonesCPU

16 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Hard luck! That is not the correct answer Try again Go to the next question

17 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Well done. Floppy Disk is the correct answer!!! Go to the next question

18 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Which one is not a storage device? 1. DVD 3. PrinterDVDPrinter 2. Memory Stick4. CD-ROMMemory StickCD-ROM

19 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Hard luck! That is not the correct answer Try again Complete Quiz

20 GCSE ICT Miss Ciara McLoughlin Well done. Printer is the correct answer!!! You have completed the quiz!!! Now you can complete Storage Devices Task

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