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Digital Marketing Paid Media New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani spent $60 million on his presidential campaign and won only one delegate.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Marketing Paid Media New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani spent $60 million on his presidential campaign and won only one delegate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Marketing Paid Media New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani spent $60 million on his presidential campaign and won only one delegate.

2 Paid Media 2007 Survey –80% email marketing most effective –37% banner equally or more effective Internet Distribution 40% of all video content by 2012 60% by broadcast TV

3 Paid Media

4 Evolution of Web Advertising Current Issues and Questions –Widgets –Advertise on FB –Effectively Seed Video –How to make something that is viral –How effective in text ads with display and search

5 Paid Media Value of expensive rich media display ads When ad inventory is low how do we reach our audience Define audience

6 Paid Media Paid search for placements and rankings on search engines Banner Advertisements purchased on individual websites or through ad networks Contextual web ads Sponsorships branded opportunities on social networks and strategic partner websites

7 Paid Media Ad Servers Roadblocks Exclusion Frequency Capping Surround Sessions Behavior Targeting Contextual Targeting Creative Optimization

8 Paid Media CPM Cost per impression CPC Cost per click CPA Cost per acquisition

9 Paid Media Building Blocks of Online Paid Media Banners Interstitials Widgets and video ads Rich media

10 Paid Media Floating Ad Expanding Ad Polite Ad Wallpaper Ad Map Ad Streaming Ad

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