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Shala Sylvester, Dejah Sanford, Stephanie Hicks, Tierra Beason.

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Presentation on theme: "Shala Sylvester, Dejah Sanford, Stephanie Hicks, Tierra Beason."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shala Sylvester, Dejah Sanford, Stephanie Hicks, Tierra Beason

2  Many people in today's society are glued to cell phones.  Everyone has social networks and smart phones.  You can do anything that you want on phones now-a-days.  People later on in the future are going to be lazy because now you can speak into the phone and tell it do whatever you want.

3  Cells phone are convenient, so that you can call anywhere.  Safety is a big advantage for cell phones, so if your car breaks down you can call someone.  You can get on social networks and send text messages.  Stay up with the latest news with your phones or search any question you need answered.

4  A big issue with cell phones is that people decide to use them while driving.  Some people send inappropriate things using their cell phones.  People have loud conversations in inappropriate places.  Children use them to cheat on tests in school like texting or Googling answers.

5  Many phone carriers charge for 2-year agreements and if you go over your plan like text and picture messages.  They can become a BIG disruption to people at work and even school.  Using cell phones for a long time are very bad for health. The radiation caused by cell phone can cause health problems to people in the future.

6 Dejah Sanford

7  Cell phones are handy for class because you can use them as resources to help you with your studies. Let’s say you don’t have a book but you need to have one, you can go on the web browser on your phone and search for the book and read it on there until the next time you do bring it.  If you forget something and really need it a text can be sent and that person can bring you what you need so you can get by in your class.

8  When your teacher is in the middle of a lesson, your phone could ring really loud and interrupt.  You could be paying more attention to your phone than you do your work.  Most people tend to text others in different classes and can drift away from their studies.  Most people tend to play games on their phones or download different things.

9  They could be handy when you need to find out something and your book doesn’t tell you but you really need that information.  If there is an emergency and the classroom doesn’t have a phone or it’s broken you could use yours.

10  There’s a chance that a fourth of the class could be on their phones doing other things that doesn’t involve schoolwork. Many students may feel that a class is very boring and would like to switch to their phone for a distraction. They may be more interested in something else and could possibly be failing the class because they simply don’t pay attention. Their phone may feel more important and entertaining at the moment and class could wait.

11 Stephanie Hicks

12 Applications for Apple iPhones:  Done Done is an app that serves as a to-do list. It is simple, yet innovative. Done is an app that serves as a to-do list. It is simple, yet innovative. The app allows due dates for each item on your list. There is also an option to set individual priorities for each item. The app allows due dates for each item on your list. There is also an option to set individual priorities for each item. An extra feature allows users to add your most pressing to- do items on your cell phone’s home screen. An extra feature allows users to add your most pressing to- do items on your cell phone’s home screen.  Google Mobile Google Mobile is an application that features all of Google’s main services. Google Mobile is an application that features all of Google’s main services. It is one of the easiest ways to read RSS() feeds on an iPhone. It is one of the easiest ways to read RSS(Rich Site Summary) feeds on an iPhone.

13  Typing Genius Typing Genius is an application that offers more than 50 exercises to help improve the speed and accuracy of typing on the iPhone. Typing Genius is an application that offers more than 50 exercises to help improve the speed and accuracy of typing on the iPhone. It claims to be able to teach you to get your speed up to 150 cpm. It claims to be able to teach you to get your speed up to 150 cpm.  mSecure mSecure is a password and data manager. mSecure is a password and data manager. It offers an easy and more secure way to store sensitive data on your phone. It offers an easy and more secure way to store sensitive data on your phone. It also eliminates the need for any external connections by generating its revenue from its sticker price. It also eliminates the need for any external connections by generating its revenue from its sticker price.

14 Applications for Androids:  Jorte Jorte is a calendar application that allows you to put your schedule on important dates. Jorte is a calendar application that allows you to put your schedule on important dates. The calendar can also be synced with your Google Calendar, as well as your notes, memos and tasks. The calendar can also be synced with your Google Calendar, as well as your notes, memos and tasks.  Camera Scanner Camera Scanner is a utility application that lets you take a picture of a document and save it as a PDF file. Camera Scanner is a utility application that lets you take a picture of a document and save it as a PDF file. The images can be cropped or enhanced and then sent via email or SMS. The images can be cropped or enhanced and then sent via email or SMS.

15  SwiftKey 3 SwiftKey 3 is a virtual keyboard application that “removes” the space bar by letting its users type an entire sentence without having to tap the space bar. The app learns your typing style to offer the most relevant word selections.  Tasker Tasker is a programming application that lets Droid users program certain commands on their cell phone like automatically turning your music on when headphones are plugged in or turning Wi-Fi off when the phone is placed face down. It turns your “smart phone” to a “genius phone”


17  When texting, you can include pictures, music, & slideshows.  Text messaging can be done in 160 characters or less.

18 On the Internet: You can check your email. You can get on social networks such as Facebook & Twitter.

19  You can listen to the radio.  You can download or buy music & listen to it off of your phone.  You can play many fun games right off or your phone.  You can play games with your friends.

20  You can type documents on your iPhone or Android using Google Apps.  You can print from your phone using Google Cloud but only with a wireless Printer.

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