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Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes Defensive) From December 1944- January 1945 56-cc.

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1 Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes Defensive) From December 1944- January 1945 56-cc

2 Significance The significance of the battle of the bulge is that the Americans defended there line even though the attack was unexpected and didn’t let the Nazi’s into Bastogne, Belgium.

3 Cause Hitler wanted to enter Belgium to get to the Channel Coast. Effect It was the last offensive move by the Germans.

4 Evidence 75 000 American soldiers died. “Nuts”-McAuliffe

5 Operation Overload Began on D-Day. It was the Germans trying to break through the American lines. They kept thin lines in Bastogne, Belgium because they thought it was the least likely spot for the Germans to attack. “It was the beginning of the end for Adolf Hitler.”

6 The Germans Goal To attack with a roaring borage a crossed the American lines, but that attack lasted 45 minutes. The Germans wanted to create confusion, they also had help due to a heavy fog.


8 It was a hard struggle since the Allies had west Europe since 1940. Hitler wanted to go through this area because it was a tactical advantage. The Channel Coast was his next target. Became the largest land battle in American history.

9 In the End Unfortunately the Nazi’s took the majority of the American’s medical supplies and personal. The American had to send gliders to transport supplies to The American airborne perimeter. Even though it was good news to see the gliders coming only 65 out of the 100 made it to them.

10 In the End (continuing) The Germans ran out of oil, which led them to failure. The battle was unexpected anyway and they were expected to lose. Hitler took a gamble when he started the battle. Hitler now had his eyes on the Rhineland even though he just lost his surprise attack.

11 Resources d.html d.html Battle of the Bulge-940.94 BLA Leo Hayes Library Encyclopedia of WWII, the New Grolier-940.53 Leo Hayes Library ulge.html ulge.html battle+of+the+bulge&search_type=&aq=4&oq=b attle+of+the+

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