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Organizing a Speech. Organization is… The order of things.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizing a Speech. Organization is… The order of things."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizing a Speech

2 Organization is… The order of things

3 Organization is in your lives: When watching a movie Reading a book Directions to a party Telling a story Writing a paper The news

4 questions How are movies organized? How is a book organized? How do you organize directions? What order do you tell a story? How do you organize a paper? How is the news organized?

5 Chronological Arranged by time: beginning to end EX: a speech on the history of fashion might organize chronologically: 1.Fashion in the 60’s 2.Fashion in the 70’s 3.Fashion in the 80’s EX: a speech that demonstrates how to write a paper: 1. Brainstorm 2. Outline 3. Write 4. Proofread EX: Martin Luther King Jr., events of hurricane Katrina, grades in high school

6 Spatial Describes an object, person, or phenomenon as it exists in space. Speeches such as telling the components of a computer, design of a new car, floor plan on LHS would use spatial organization. EX: A speech about outer space: 1.Planet earth 2.Our solar system 3.Our galaxy

7 Topical Splits the main topic into subtopics; clustering Most commonly used in the informative speech EX: A speech discussing why we are at war in Iraq might list a reason for each point, best classes to take in high school, EX: A speech about cancer would list different types 1.Leukemia 2.Breast 3.Colon

8 Topical categories Importance Complexity Lessons Values Characteristics (Hero Sp) Aspects Reasons (why in Iraq) Evaluations Judgments Merits Classes Types (cancer) Concerns Qualities (Hero Sp) Features Causes Results Examples

9 Cause-and-Effect Categorize your material into things related to the causes of a problem and things related to its effects. Often effect comes before cause. EX: a speech about hurricanes 1.Describes how a hurricane is formed. (cause) 2.Destructiveness of a hurricane. (effect) EX: a speech about student stress 1.Stress that students have (effect) 2.Discuss potential reasons for the stress (cause)

10 Problem-and-Solution Present the problem and a solution to the problem. Most often in persuasive speeches, like the one you will give. 1.Status quo 2.Why a problem 3.A solution to the problem EX: a speech about global warming 1.Current conditions of global warming 2.Why global warming is a problem 3.A solution to help fix/stop global warming EX: drunk driving, school safety

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