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By: Ms. Stanley.  The main goal of a research paper is to develop a technical writing style.  The propose of a research paper is to analyze specific.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ms. Stanley.  The main goal of a research paper is to develop a technical writing style.  The propose of a research paper is to analyze specific."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ms. Stanley

2  The main goal of a research paper is to develop a technical writing style.  The propose of a research paper is to analyze specific information and draw a conclusion based on it.

3  You need to type your paper in 12pnt. Font Times New Romans.  Your sentences need to be double spaced with no extra space in between.  Your pages should be numbered in the top right hand corner. The numbers should be in the header.

4  The paper margins need to be one inch all the way around.  A research paper needs to have a title page.  A title page is a cover page. It will have to title of your paper, your name, the class you are in, and the teachers name.

5  Do not use the word “I” in your paper.  A research paper should be in a third person point of view. This means you do not use the words “I, we, us, you, yours”.  You will use formal language in you paper.  You will use in text citations in your paper.  You will have a work cited page.

6  All citations will be in MLA format.  In text citations  “The quote will go inside quotation marks” (while the author’s last name and, page number go inside the parentheses).

7  Work cited (will be centered on the last page)  The authors last name, first name initial. Italicize the title of the book. City where it was published: publisher, year it was published. write print if it is a book source.

8  You will research a person, place, or thing and write a seven page paper about the topic.  The cover page does not count.  You will need to use five different sources in your paper.

9  Your goal is t inform readers about the subject that you choose to write about.  You will write about the topic in great detail, but using your own words.

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