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Due March 27, 2014.  A Dedication is who your poetry book is for.  An example dedication page:  This poetry book is dedicated to my cousin who has.

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Presentation on theme: "Due March 27, 2014.  A Dedication is who your poetry book is for.  An example dedication page:  This poetry book is dedicated to my cousin who has."— Presentation transcript:

1 Due March 27, 2014

2  A Dedication is who your poetry book is for.  An example dedication page:  This poetry book is dedicated to my cousin who has always inspired me to read and write amazing poetry.

3  You need to have the poem type labeled  And you also need to label the poetic elements.  If you did not the write the poem, you also need the author’s name.  However, even if you did write the poem you still need to write your name on it.  Each page/poem must have an illustration that is related to the poem. These can be hand written or created on the internet.  Final draft should be typed or nicely hand written. Sloppy work will not be accepted.

4  You need a front cover that has:  A picture  Your name  Period  And needs to have color.

5  Pair/Share – What a Table of Contents is?  What kinds of things do we include in a Table of Contents?

6  March 27 st



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