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I think you should take up volleyball. How about taking up volleyball? What about taking up volleyball? WRITING – PART 2 LETTER or E-MAIL In this task.

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Presentation on theme: "I think you should take up volleyball. How about taking up volleyball? What about taking up volleyball? WRITING – PART 2 LETTER or E-MAIL In this task."— Presentation transcript:

1 I think you should take up volleyball. How about taking up volleyball? What about taking up volleyball? WRITING – PART 2 LETTER or E-MAIL In this task you are often asked to give ADVICE. If I were you, I would take up volleyball. Why not take up volleyball? Why don’t you take up volleyball? I suggest (that) you take up volleyball. I recommend (that) you take up volleyball.


3 Mentre le defining relative clauses (frasi relative determinative) sono NECESSARIE per dare senso alla frase principale, definendo la cosa o la persona di cui si sta parlando...... Esempi: An architect is a person who designs buildings. La frase relativa è necessaria per capire chi è un architetto. The book (that) you gave me is interesting. La frase relativa è necessaria per capire di che libro si tratta......le non-defining relative clauses (frasi relative esplicative) NON sono NECESSARIE per definire la cosa o la persona di cui si sta parlando. Sono degli incisi che forniscono solo INFORMAZIONI AGGIUNTIVE. Esempi: Paris, which I love, will be the European capital of culture. James Joyce, who was Irish, was a famous writer. Se togliamo la frase relativa, la frase ha un senso compiuto.

4 CHE, CUI (persone) WHO WHERE CHE, CUI (cose, animali) THAT WHOSE DOVE IL CUI, LA CUI, I CUI, LE CUI NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES My sister Sara, WHO lives in Australia, is a doctor. WHICH THAT We stayed at the Ely Hotel, WHICH John recommended. She has just been to Madrid, WHERE her son lives. Martin, WHOSE dad is French, goes to Paris every summer. PRONOUNS

5 NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES Si può togliere il pronome relativo in alcuni casi? E’ necessario l’uso della virgola, prima e dopo la non-defining relative clause. NO! My sister Sara, WHO lives in Australia, is a doctor. Se la non-defining relative clause conclude l’intera frase, la virgola si mette soltanto prima. We stayed at the Ely Hotel, WHICH John recommended.

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