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Interconnectivities in Forests Jon Honea. What is important about a forest?

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Presentation on theme: "Interconnectivities in Forests Jon Honea. What is important about a forest?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interconnectivities in Forests Jon Honea

2 What is important about a forest?


4 What kinds of interactions and relationships bind species together?

5 Energy acquisition Where does the energy come from? What organisms make it available/usable for other types of organisms? Photosynthesis video1 (choose one with ATP synthesis)Photosynthesis video Photosynthesis video2Photosynthesis video

6 Species interactions Predator-prey Competition Mutualism Parasitism Cumulative, multiple, indirect complex super- hard to trace and study interactions

7 Predator-prey Centipede Centipede (same video, alternative stream)Centipede

8 Competition For resources in limited supply.

9 Mutualism or Symbiosis Examples?

10 Pollination

11 What characteristics of seeds might be involved in getting them to a good spot to germinate? Seed dispersal

12 Tasty Volant (flighty) Sticky

13 What is this?

14 Morkpork covered in sticky bird-catcher tree seeds

15 Morkpork cleaned (then released 4 days later) Images and rescue courtesy of the Whangarei Native Bird Recovery Centre

16 Mutualism or Symbiosis African fig ecosystem Others?

17 Parasitism

18 Parasitism: spruce budworm

19 Parasitism: mountain pine beetle


21 Nutrient Cycling and Transfer Decomposition


23 Salmon

24 Dead salmon

25 Pathways of Nutrients from Salmon

26 Hydrologic Cycle

27 Key factors affecting streams are controlled by their watersheds!! Why should we look at watersheds if we’re concerned about water quality?

28 Succession

29 One of those “cumulative, multiple, indirect complex super-hard to trace and study interactions” Some driving processes we’ve discussed: –Predator-prey –Competition –Mutualism –Parasitism –Nutrient cycling –Hydrologic cycle Video

30 Biodiversity Why is biodiversity important? Insurance hypothesis. Influences invasion by exotic species. Ethical reasons: stewardship.

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