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About triple science Why triple science? What can I do with science? What do the pupils say? Science Staff Are you convinced? Why? Why? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "About triple science Why triple science? What can I do with science? What do the pupils say? Science Staff Are you convinced? Why? Why? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 About triple science Why triple science? What can I do with science? What do the pupils say? Science Staff Are you convinced? Why? Why? Why?

2 Why Triple Science? About Triple Science If you take each Science subject as a two year course, you will get separate GCSE grades in Biology, Chemistry and Physics by the end of year 11. That’s three GCSE’s! If you choose triple Science, you will study Science for a total of 14 periods over a fortnight. In years 10 and 11 the time is split up as shown in the table below. Year 10Year 11 Chemistry (5 periods) Biology (4 periods) Physics (5 periods) Chemistry (5 periods) Biology (5 periods) Physics (4 periods) Back to menu

3 Why Triple Science? If you’re thinking of a career in something to do with science, or even if you’re not (see next section on jobs) then triple science is for you! Not only will you enjoy fascinating practical experiments and being taught by our excellent teachers, you will also gain skills which will stay with you for the rest of your life. No other subject can offer the smells, noise and thrills of explosive science lessons. Triple Science provides an exceptional foundation for studying science in the sixth form. Although it is not essential to do triple before taking science A levels, it will give you a massive head start. Back to menu

4 What can I do with science? Just some of the jobs you can do with a science qualification… Optometrist Doctor Dentist Environmental scientist Pharmacist Lawyer Accountant Forensic Scientist (CSI) Veterinary Nurse Vet Nurse/Midwife Astro-Physicist Rocket Scientist Astronaut Beer and wine maker Beauty Therapy Teacher Physiotherapist Radiotherapist Psychiatrist Psychologist Archaeologist Palaeontologist Laboratory Technician Back to menu

5 Why Triple Science? What the pupils say. Here are some quotes from some of our triple Science pupils:- “We’ve done much more practical work this year compared to what we did in year 9” “ I like science this year because we don’t just get lectured! As well as the practical work, we do loads of discussion work and plenty of computer activities”. “My favourite lesson so far was when we extracted DNA!” Back to menu

6 Biology Mrs Bennett Mr Goodhead Mr Ravenscroft Mrs Ravenscroft Mrs Deamon Chemistry Mr Lawton Miss Harris Mr Ellis Physics Mr Millward Miss Jones Mr Owen Back to menu

7 More than just white coats and loud bangs... Look at the table to see which topics you will study in Year 10. Topic 5:Topic 6:Topic 7:Topic 8: Patterns in Properties Making Changes VIDEOThere’s One Earth Designer Products Back to menu

8 Facts about studying Chemistry at GCSE level and above. Chemistry will help you to develop your thinking skills. This will help you in all other subjects. Studying Chemistry as a separate science at GCSE will benefit you if you are considering studying any science subject at AS/A level. If you are the sort of student who likes practical lessons, Chemistry gives you the opportunity to develop your practical skills as well as your thinking skills. Employers look very favourably upon students who study at least one science subject at A level. (So why not make it Chemistry?). A recent nationwide study has revealed that people with a Chemistry degree earn on average 15% more than non scientists. (You can even become Prime Minister with a chemistry degree.) Back to menu

9 Topic 1:Topic 2:Topic 3:Topic 4: EnvironmentGenesElectrical and Chemical signals Use, misuse and abuse More than just dissecting eyeballs... Look at the table to see which topics you will study in Year 10.

10 Biology – The Facts One drop of blood contains 1000 million red blood cells and around 2 million white blood cells! Your brain receives messages at speeds of up to 120m/s! Your heart beats about 40 million times every year! Even more fascinating facts about biology are waiting to be discovered in triple science! Biology offers the chance to learn more about living things and how they work. Additional topics to be studied on the Biology GCSE course include ‘Biotechnology’ and ‘Behaviour in Humans and Other Animals’. Doors can be opened to a wide range of job opportunities ranging from medicine, dentistry, nursing, medical research, teaching, sales and marketing and many more… Back to menu

11 Topic 9:Topic 10:Topic 11Topic 12 Producing and Measuring Electricity You’re in Charge Now You See It, Now You Don’t Space and its Mysteries More than just Lasers and Spacecraft... Look at the table to see which topics you will study in Year 10.

12 What is Physics? Physics (Physical Science) is important in explaining how and why things work in the way they do. Studying Physics allows us to understand the laws which everything in the universe obeys – these laws can then be used to make predictions, new discoveries and have a deeper understanding of the world around us. For example, Isaac Newton was the first scientist to fully understand gravity; this then led to further discoveries of laws which now allow astronomers to accurately predict the motion of planets and exactly when and where eclipses will happen. He also discovered the laws of motion, which are very important when designing vehicles such as cars and spacecraft.

13 Future Prospects When considering your future, a qualification is Physics will always impress employers and universities. The starting point is gaining a good GCSE grade, then taking that further into AS/A2 level. The world is always looking out for new people to enhance our understanding further; new theories and discoveries are happening all the time and this trend is likely to continue into the foreseeable future. You could be part of all this if you decide to follow a career in physics! If you choose not to discover new things, the skills you gain in physics also open doors into many other careers and courses, even if they are not physics related. Back to menu

14 Are you convinced? YES Brilliant! We’ll see you in September when the fun begins. NO No problem, but do come and speak to any of the science teachers who will happily answer any of your questions. Back to menu

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