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Presentation on theme: "Elevations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elevations

2 Definition: Elevation
-is an orthographic projection drawing that shows one side of the building or object, that usually is not shown or can not be shown very well in other drawings.

3 Purpose: The purpose of an elevation is to show the finished appearance of a given side of the building or object and furnish vertical height dimensions.

4 Elevation requirements:
Things you need to include: Finished floor…what is this? Ceiling levels Location of doors & windows Locate interior & exterior walls Vertical dimensions Materials such as molding, baseboards, cabinets, fixtures, furniture, lights & décor.

5 Elevation identification:
Use symbols from your plan to indicate information in your elevations. Label exterior elevations using 2 methods. North arrow: north, south, east, west or Structure style: Front, right side, left side, or back.

6 How to construct elevations:
1st make sure to arrange your floor plan so that the side to be drawn faces down toward the elevation to be drawn. 2nd you will draw your horizontal lines for your finish floor and ceiling heights to give you the vertical height of your space. 3rd your will use construction lines to locate walls, doors, windows, fixtures and cabinets. Plus other information…

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