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 What is a Happy School?  To survey and select a school for a Happy School Project  To execute a Happy School Project  To fund a Happy School Project.

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Presentation on theme: " What is a Happy School?  To survey and select a school for a Happy School Project  To execute a Happy School Project  To fund a Happy School Project."— Presentation transcript:


2  What is a Happy School?  To survey and select a school for a Happy School Project  To execute a Happy School Project  To fund a Happy School Project  To measure the impact of a Happy School Project  To Plan for sustainability of a Happy School Project  To understand responsibilities of District/Club Teams Learning Objectives

3  According to the T-E-A-C-H program, for a primary (class I - IV) or elementary (class I - VIII) school to be called a “Happy School”, the following eight facilities must exist:  Painted, well maintained and secure school building  Clean and hygienic separate toilets for boys and girls  Safe and adequate drinking water for both students and teachers  Library What is a Happy School?

4  Uniforms and footwear for every student  Play material, games and sports equipment  Benches and desks for better student-teacher interaction  Well maintained space for teaching staff  Of the above, facilities at serial nos. b, c, d, e (uniforms) and f are mandatory under the Right to Education (RTE) Act. What is a Happy School?

5  Survey 3-4 schools using School Information Form No. H1/3 available at  Club Members or registered volunteers could be surveyors (for mobilising volunteers you may use Role of Volunteers in Happy Schools presentation available at  Give surveyors a letter of introduction to the Head Teacher, requesting permission for survey Survey and Selection of Schools

6  Surveyors to undertake physical inspection of school and speak to teachers and students to assess requirements  Surveyors to take pictures of existing condition of school  Upload details of survey by revisiting School Information Form on website  Based on survey data and happy school selection criteria, select an eligible school for a Happy School Project Survey and Selection of Schools

7  Determine the facilities to be installed/created /provided for based on survey  Obtain quotations from 3 vendors for each facility  Estimate project implementation schedule Executing a Happy School

8  Determine roles of Inner Wheel Club members in project implementation  Forge Partnerships with other Rotary Clubs, Rotaract Clubs, RCCs, NGOs, IWCs, Corporates etc., as required  Clarify division of responsibilities of partners Executing a Happy School

9  Club funds or corporates /philanthropic individuals  RILM grants to the extent of 50% of total project cost(including 5% of total works cost as administrative cost) to the maximum of Rs. 2.5 lakh  Fill in Happy School Grant Application Form online for RILM grant  Upon upload of a completed project, through the Grant Application Form, grant will be released as reimbursement Funding a Happy School

10 With the help of volunteers assess, at the end of 6 months and 1 year from project completion  condition of facilities/services provided for  Changes in average attendance of students in classes 3,6 and 8  Changes in average grades of 5 students from each class (classes 2 to 5)  Average number of children remaining absent for more than 10 days from each class ( classes 2 to 5) Impact Assessment

11 Plan along with the SMC/school authorities/local authorities/ parent-teacher groups/ students for:  Physical maintenance and upkeep of facilities provided for  Resource allocation for periodic future maintenance and upkeep Project Sustainability Planning

12  Start an Award System among Happy Schools in an area to encourage efforts at maintaining facilities installed  Start an Award System within a Happy School itself to award volunteers who are maintaining facilities. Project Sustainability Planning

13 1.Attend Level-I Training Program and conduct Level- II Training for Happy School 2.Motivate Clubs to take up HSP 3.Set timelines for execution of the various HSP 4.Monitor progress of the Rotary Clubs executing the HSP Responsibility of District Happy School Committee Chair and Members

14 5.Disseminate information received from RILM or (national level) Happy School Committee Member (HSCM) 6.Work in close coordination with the HSCM 7. Ensure upload of all completed projects by all Clubs concerned 8.Ensure District HSP goals are met Responsibility of District Happy School Committee Chair and Members

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