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Ministry of Environment Tourism Directorate of Environmental Affairs CEGEM Project Overview and Outcomes Strengthening Capacity Enhancement to Implement.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministry of Environment Tourism Directorate of Environmental Affairs CEGEM Project Overview and Outcomes Strengthening Capacity Enhancement to Implement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministry of Environment Tourism Directorate of Environmental Affairs CEGEM Project Overview and Outcomes Strengthening Capacity Enhancement to Implement the Global Environmental Conventions in Namibia Uazamo Kaura MET/UNDP CEGEM Project

2 Ministry of Environment Tourism Directorate of Environmental Affairs Presentation Outline 1.Background and Overview 2.Goals and objectives of CEGEM 3.Expected project Outcomes, Outputs

3 Ministry of Environment Tourism Directorate of Environmental Affairs Background & Overview CEGEM initiated from National Capacity Self Assessment (NCSA) : assists countries to assess their priority national capacity for implementing the Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) » UNCCD » UNFCCC » UNCBD NCSA for global environmental management was completed 2005 Priority need identified to mainstream environmental mgt issues into national development programmes and address the Rio Conventions: Climate change Biodiversity Land degradation

4 Ministry of Environment Tourism Directorate of Environmental Affairs Overview Namibia has invested in a large number of environmental management interventions over the past decade Many of these interventions, at national and local level are very successful; support for regional-local level in decentralisation context needed The impact of HIV/AIDS is severe and any development successes coined in rural areas might be nullified Continued systematic investment into capacity development for improved environmental management will help alleviate poverty and build a cadre of highly professional practitioners, experts and policy makers

5 Ministry of Environment Tourism Directorate of Environmental Affairs Overview Summary recommendations I An environmental advisory council on environmental management/Rio conventions should be considered Existing policy and legislative frameworks on Rio conventions must be prioritized and harmonized Quality extensions services must be provided to communities; improve individual capacities of extension personnel Transfer of skills from experts to Namibians/young professionals must be facilitated Incentive mechanism for the private sector to invest in capacity building ought to be created

6 Ministry of Environment Tourism Directorate of Environmental Affairs Overview Summary recommendations II Academic programmes needs to be aligned with national needs; scientific surveying, research and monitoring must be strengthened Rio Conventions need to be converted to local level action though CBOs and NGOs Relationship between Government and NGOs and CBOs needs to be strengthened Platforms for information sharing and exchange of ideas and knowledge needs to be maximized The role of women in national sustainable development should be promoted to parity

7 Ministry of Environment Tourism Directorate of Environmental Affairs Goals and objectives of CEGEM GOAL: To integrate the global environmental objectives in national development programmes and projects. Overall Objective To increase institutional and human capacities to meet Namibia’s commitments to global environmental conventions on climate change, biodiversity and land degradation, in the context of national development

8 Ministry of Environment Tourism Directorate of Environmental Affairs Expected project Outcomes, Outputs

9 Ministry of Environment Tourism Directorate of Environmental Affairs Outcome1: Increased capacity to meet Namibia’s commitments to the Rio Conventions through: Training National Training Workshops (1 st year) Economic analysis on natural resources Environmental assessments, best management practices Traditional knowledge related to enviro mgt Project and programme mgt Negotiation skills Rio Conventions key issues Regional Training Workshops (2 nd Year) Environmental assessments, best management practices Traditional knowledge related to enviro mgt Project development and training Environmental legal aspects (natural resources mgt acts) Rio Conventions key issues Training courses for MET Capacity Development Environmental impact assessment Traditional knowledge related to environmental mgt & access to genetic resources Environmental legislation, legal terms and procedures Mentoring arrangements Young professional

10 Ministry of Environment Tourism Directorate of Environmental Affairs Outcome1: Increased capacity to meet Namibia’s commitments to the Rio Conventions through: Awareness Creation MET Environmental Education Strategy’ developed Environmental information services unit Press releases, radio and TV talks Partnership with media representatives Target press releases on the Rio Conventions Mainstream into national radio/TV talk show Awareness sessions for different target groups Managerial personnel and Parliamentarian insufficiently informed NIED Regional Council, Extension staff Awareness materials tailor made for different target groups Rio Convention Booklet Brochures on the environmental impact assessment and legislation Brochures on self sufficiency, targeting women Booklets on integrated environment into rural development-best mgt practices

11 Ministry of Environment Tourism Directorate of Environmental Affairs Partnership between MET, NPC, MLR Environmental Management and Assessment Act regulations Provide for effective mainstreaming of environmental mgt into development plan Project assist in the technical assistance for environmental assessment Adaptation of existing environmental assessment tools NCSA team established and operational NCSA action plan implementation team » Environmental convention unit/PMU/WG Annual reports on NCSA Action Plan implementation status. Annual reports on NCSA action plan Short briefings targeting » Managerial position in line ministries + development agencies such as NPC + Regional councils Outcome 2: Rio Conventions provisions mainstreamed into national and regional development planning

12 Ministry of Environment Tourism Directorate of Environmental Affairs OBJECTIVE (project purpose) To increase institutional and human capacities to meet Namibia’s commitments to global environmental conventions in context with national development. OUTCOME 2 (project result) Rio Conventions provisions mainstreamed into national and regional development planning. OUTCOME 1 (project result) Increased capacity to meet Namibia’s commitments to the Rio Conventions. Institutional Capacity Building to enhance the ability of MET and other organizations to implement global environmental conventions. Awareness and consciousness among stakeholders on global environmental issues and on the new upcoming legislation. Integration of Environmental Management into Development Planning at national and regional levels. Project components GOAL (project impact) To integrate the global environmental objectives in national development programmes and projects. 1.2.1 ‘MET Environmental Education Strategy’ developed. 1.2.2 Press releases, radio and TV talks. 1.2.3 Awareness sessions and mini- workshops, for different target groups (e.g. top management personnel; members of the parliament; media; extension officers; RCs, TAs, LAs; teachers; private sector). 1.2.4 Awareness materials tailor-made for different target groups. 2.1 Partnership between MET, NPC, OP, MLR. 2.2 EMAA regulations. 2.3NCSA team established and operational. OUTPUTS (activities/results) 1.1.1 National training. Workshops (with media coverage). 1.1.2.Regional training. Workshops (with media coverage). 1.1.3 Training courses for MET capacity development. 1.1.4 Mentoring arrangements.

13 Ministry of Environment Tourism Directorate of Environmental Affairs THANK YOU

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