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Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean.

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Presentation on theme: "Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean

2 Three-year Project to Pioneer New Approaches to Managing Cultural Heritage Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean PHASE I Nov 2012 Jun 2013 Regional survey to determine needs, meeting of key representatives, identification of common priorities, selection of model projects PHASE II 2014 2015 Implementation of model projects, dissemination of results, monitoring, and impact assessment.

3 Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean Regional capacity sharing to deal with growing range of socio-economic issues and heritage types Long term heritage resource conservation and management rather than short-term consumption Enhanced sustainability of local traditions and culture Project Objectives

4 STEP ONE: Online Survey of Stakeholders Government Heritage Ministries & Agencies Tourism Ministries & Agencies Education Ministries & Agencies Planning Ministries & Agencies Environment Ministries & Agencies Non-Government NGOs that directly engage with heritage NGOs that indirectly engage with heritage through community development programs Academic and educational institutions Private, for Profit Firms & private practitioners who directly engage with heritage Firms & private practitioners who indirectly engage with heritage through economic development projects Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean

5 HERITAGE SKILLS Heritage Expertise Heritage Protection & Management Toolkit SOCIAL IMPACTS Cooperation & Public Engagement Heritage Values & Attitudes KEY SURVEY THEMES to enhance the public benefits of cultural heritage 3 Sectors 14 Member States Hemispheric Significance LEGAL & POLICY FRAMEWORK Legislation Enforcement Human & Financial Resources

6 Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean Screenshot of Survey Form

7 Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean Sector Representation

8 Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean Country Representation

9 Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean Goals of Cultural Heritage Programs

10 Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean Usefulness of Professional Networks

11 Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean Perceived Financial Trends per Sector

12 Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean How respondents rate the overall performance of their country in protecting cultural heritage

13 STEP TWO: Analysis of Regional Strengths and Gaps Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean HERITAGE PROTECTION NETWORKS & SKILL SHARING POLICY & INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

14 STEP THREE: Regional Meeting Bridgetown May 6-8, 2013 Member-state representatives and key respondents Workshops in heritage capacity sharing Formation of task forces Selection of Model Projects for Phase II Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean

15 For continuing information about the project: Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage in the Caribbean




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