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Course Introduction (Lecture #0) ECE 331 – Digital System Design.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Introduction (Lecture #0) ECE 331 – Digital System Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Introduction (Lecture #0) ECE 331 – Digital System Design

2 Spring 2011ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design2 Course Info Course #:ECE 331 Course Name:Digital Systems Design Course Objective:  To analyze and design combinational and sequential logic circuits.  To write VHDL code to describe and synthesize both types of logic circuits. Course website: 

3 Spring 2011ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design3 Instructor and TA's Instructor:Craig Lorie   Phone:(703) 993 – 9616  Office:Nguyen Engineering Bldg., Rm. 3221 TA:Ahmad Salman  TA:Smriti Gurung 

4 Spring 2011ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design4 Textbook Title:Fundamentals of Logic Design Edition:6 th Authors:Charles H. Roth Larry L. Kinney

5 Spring 2011ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design5 Office Hours Instructor:Craig Lorie  TBA TA:Ahmad Salman  TBA TA:Smriti Gurung  TBA

6 Spring 2011ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design6 The Lab (ECE 332) Labs performed weekly.  A total of eleven labs. Pre-lab must be completed prior to your lab session.  If you fail to complete the pre-lab you will not be allowed to attend your lab session. Labs are administered by the TA's. ECE 332 must be taken in conjunction with ECE 331 or have been previously completed with a C or better.

7 Spring 2011ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design7 Homework Homework will be assigned on a weekly basis. Homework is due at the beginning of class on the date specified (generally Wednesday).  No late submissions accepted. You are encouraged to discuss the homework problems with one another.  However, you must submit your own work.  Copying solutions is considered cheating. Homework is essential to the learning process!

8 Spring 2011ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design8 Exams Two exams during the semester. Third exam during finals week. All exams are closed-book.  No cheat-sheets. No make-up exams.  In the case of an emergency, see me.  Notify me in advance (whenever possible) if a conflict or problem exists.

9 Spring 2011ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design9 Grading The final grade will be calculated as follows:  Homework10%  Exam #130%  Exam #230%  Exam #330% The grade for lab (ECE 332) is assigned separately. The letter grade assignment is described in the syllabus.

10 Spring 2011ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design10 Attendance Attending class is in your best interest!  I will provide supplemental information to that which is included in the textbook.  I will go over a multitude of examples.  I will answer questions. However, attendance in lecture is NOT mandatory. Attendance in Lab (ECE 332) IS mandatory.

11 Spring 2011ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design11 Email When emailing me, please format the subject line as follows: “ECE331 - - ”

12 Spring 2011ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design12 Syllabus Please see the class syllabus for more details. (The syllabus can be found on the course webpage)

13 Spring 2011ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design13 Expectations

14 Spring 2011ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design14 You are expected to: Attend class (highly recommended). Spend a minimum of 9 hours each week outside of class learning the material. Read the text book. Do the homework. Attend the lab and complete all of the lab experiments.

15 Spring 2011ECE 331 - Digital Systems Design15 Questions?

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