Getting it right for e ery child  Children & Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 Briefing on GIRFEC Provisions Scottish.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting it right for e ery child  Children & Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 Briefing on GIRFEC Provisions Scottish."— Presentation transcript:

1 getting it right for e ery child  Children & Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 Briefing on GIRFEC Provisions Scottish Government GIRFEC Team Lynn Townsend Marion Gillooly

2 getting it right for e ery child 

3 getting it right for e ery child  Children & Young People (Scotland) Act - GIRFEC GIRFEC policy unchanged – on-going refining and updating Legislation – only aspects of the policy –Named Person –Child’s Plan –Wellbeing Why legislate? –Increase pace of change –Improve consistency across Scotland

4 getting it right for e ery child  GIRFEC Duties in the Act: Part 18. General Section 96. assessment of wellbeing Wellbeing defined – 8 indicators –Safe –Healthy –Achieving –Nurtured –Active –Respected –Responsible –Included

5 getting it right for e ery child  GIRFEC Duties in the Act: Part 4. Named Person Named Person for every child  Arrangements 0-5 / 5-18  Information on Named Person arrangements  Support for the Named Person – Schedule 2 Relevant Authorities  Information Sharing Key duties on local authority / health boards/ independent schools / Scottish Prison Service Other public bodies will have duty to cooperate and support

6 getting it right for e ery child  Roles and responsibilities The Named Person role is key – they will :  Promote, support and safeguard wellbeing  Provide support when wellbeing concern identified  Requests support from other agencies  Coordinate support from other agencies through a Child’s Plan  Link with a Lead Professional where appropriate

7 getting it right for e ery child  GIRFEC Duties in the Act: Part 5. Child’s Plan  Requirement to draw up a plan – ‘targeted intervention’  Content of the plan – Data Set  Preparation of the plan  Responsibility to prepare  Responsibility to manage – Lead Professional  Assistance with the plan – Schedule 3 Listed Authorities

8 getting it right for e ery child  Single Planning Process Child’s Plan – coordinates support where a ‘targeted intervention’ is required to meet a wellbeing need.  What is a targeted intervention? Used by all services in all circumstances Active involvement of child and parents ( where practicable) A seamless process from routine planning to statutory plan Common data set to support consistency and transferability  To incorporate all the components of all key planning processes Focus on outcomes

9 getting it right for e ery child  Secondary Legislation – Ministerial Orders The Named Persons (Training, Qualifications, Experience and Position) (Scotland) Order The Child’s Plan (Scotland) Order Complaints Order – under development

10 getting it right for e ery child  Orders / Guidance Timeline March 2014 - Outline Guidance issued July - November – engagement, informal consultation Dec - Jan – review and preparation for formal consultation February – April 2015 – formal consultation on 2 draft Orders and Statutory Guidance August 2015 – issue final draft statutory guidance Jan 2016 – lay 3 Orders before Parliament Commencement August 2016

11 getting it right for e ery child  How does GIRFEC support all services to improve outcomes? Common approach and shared language of wellbeing Single planning process Framework to support information sharing Specialist support builds on universal provision

12 getting it right for e ery child  Move from policy implementation to compliance with Act Systems and practice change – not a smooth process Consultation with specialist stakeholder groups Statutory guidance – practice guidance Advice and case studies on website Touchpoint tool Lots of work still to do!! The way forward – next steps

13 getting it right for e ery child  Case Study A 14 year old boy, in his second year at high school, is suspected of committing vandalism at 11 pm, and at the time he appears to be under the influence of alcohol. An initial police check at the scene reveals no prior convictions. However the officer is concerned about the boy’s wellbeing and when spoken to the boy is uncooperative. When taken home to be charged in the presence of his parents, his parents appear concerned as they were unaware of his whereabouts and believed him to be with friends. They could not explain his access to alcohol and claimed this type of behaviour had never happened before.

14 getting it right for e ery child  Case Study: Questions to consider 1.What actions should be taken forward by the Police Officer? 2.What is the role of the Named Person in this process? 3.What role do the boy and his parents have in the process? 4.How should decisions be made about possible sanctions / support? 5.How will the planning process incorporate assessment of the boy’s wellbeing? 6.Whose responsibility is it to co-ordinate the planning process? 7.What would be a successful outcome for this boy?

15 getting it right for e ery child  Keep up to date Sign up for our e Newsletter Follow us on twitter - @girfec Check out resources on the website Contact the team : 0131 - 244 - 7168

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