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Early Learning and Childcare National Guidance Early Years Collaborative LS5 June 2014 Scottish Government.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Learning and Childcare National Guidance Early Years Collaborative LS5 June 2014 Scottish Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Learning and Childcare National Guidance Early Years Collaborative LS5 June 2014 Scottish Government

2 Children and Young People Act Developed with widespread stakeholder engagement Passed in February 2014 Sets out a number of key changes to the funded pre-school entitlement – from August Will affect all those working with children under five in all ELCC settings

3 Children and Young People Act New concept of Early Learning and Childcare Increased the funded hours from 475 to 600 per year for 3 and 4 year olds and some 2 year olds. Increase flexibility of entitlement through consulting with parents

4 Early Learning and Childcare Act defines new concept of “early learning and childcare” The term seeks to emphasise the holistic and seamless provision of nurture, care and learning Recognises that learning cannot take place without a nurturing and caring environment

5 Increase in Funded Hours Increase of nationally funded entitlement from August 2014 – 475 hours a year to 600 hours a year Covers 3 and 4 year olds, plus the most vulnerable 2 year olds – those looked after, under kinship care orders or with parent appointed guardians First Minister announced in January that 2 year olds in workless households will also be eligible – this is being enshrined in secondary legislation

6 Consultation and Flexibility Act also introduces a requirement on local authorities to consult regularly with representative populations of parents on what patterns of provision would best meet their needs. Expected that, over time, local authorities will reconfigure services to introduce more flexibility and choice for parents in work or training. Reconfiguration of services should be based on consultation with parents

7 Looked after 2 year olds Individualised approach to looked after 2 year olds Provision could be in a range of settings If not in best interest of child to provide 600 hours, Local Authorities can make alternative arrangements.

8 CYPA: Statutory Guidance Draft statutory guidance was issued for consultation mid-May 6 week consultation period 20 June Covers all the key parts of the Act relating to early learning and childcare changes – to assist with implementation Views of practitioners will also be important and valued in this consultation

9 Summary Important changes coming from August 2014 on the number of hours and flexibility of funded pre- school entitlement Also important change to the way we think of pre-5 provision – from “pre-school education” to “early learning and childcare” National guidance will be vital in explaining in more depth what we mean by early learning and childcare

10 National Guidance Building on the Ambition” Focus on birth to starting school Includes “Key questions” and “Find out more” web links Includes case studies or examples

11 Who is this for ? All practitioners working in early learning and childcare settings. All local authorities and training providers. Includes childminders, voluntary and private sector. Regulatory and inspection bodies.

12 National Guidance on Early Learning and Childcare What do we mean by Early Learning and Childcare? Aims to support early years practitioners and build confidence for all those working with young children from birth to starting school Support staff development and improvement of quality

13 Contents 1.Why do we need this? 2.What do we know from research? 3.What makes the difference to children and families? 4.What do we mean by play and learning?

14 Contents 5. Understanding attachment 6. ELCC what do children need? 7. Pedagogy and Practice. 8. Key elements of quality in a setting

15 Significant areas Move away from the term “pre-school” to a more inclusive term of Early Learning and Childcare. Focus on key characteristics of the baby, toddler and young child in different sections. Pedagogy and practice issues relating to Curriculum for Excellence

16 Independent Review of Workforce An Independent Review of the Early Learning and Childcare Workforce and the Out of School Care Workforce- March 2014 Professor Iram Siraj – expert in early childhood To identify how skills, qualifications, and training of staff lead to improved outcomes for children, reduce social inequality and close the attainment gap.

17 Independent Review of Workforce Wide consultation for the Review by Professor Siraj Keen to have views of practitioners online consultation – key issues on workforce and what makes the difference for children

18 What’s next ? Need to continue engagement and dialogue at national and local levels. ES, CI, SSSC Consultancy support to individual local authorities Revise both sets of guidance in light of comments and prepare implementation plan from August

19 Contact us To take part in the consultation related to the Statutory Guidance and Workforce Review please use the contact details below

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