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Balmedie School P1 Induction Wednesday 29th April 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Balmedie School P1 Induction Wednesday 29th April 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balmedie School P1 Induction Wednesday 29th April 2015

2 Mrs Mackay, Depute HeadMiss Duffus, Depute Head Mr McGowan, Head Teacher School Roll approx. 420 and 115 Nursery

3 Classes

4 P1 Teachers Miss Stewart Miss Mylles Mrs Murray

5 School Hours Start 9.00am Break 10.30 - 10.50am Lunch 10.50 - 12.30pm Break 12.30 – 1.30pm Finish 3.20pm

6 Phasing In – 2 Weeks Week 1 (9:00 - 12:30) Group A—18/8/15 and 20/8/15 (Tues. & Thurs.) Group B—19/8/15 and 21/8/15 (Wed. & Fri.) (You will be informed of your child’s group in a few weeks). Week 2 (9:00 - 12:30) 24/8/15—28/8/15 All children to attend mornings only Week 3 (9:00 - 3:20) 31/8/15 All to attend P1 full time

7 P1 Induction Meetings Meeting 1 = Tonight General Information Session and Curriculum for Excellence: Mrs Mackay Meeting 2 = Tues. 19th May @ 1.45pm Literacy & Numeracy Workshop: Miss Duffus Coffee Afternoon Coffee Afternoon – Wed. 24th June @ 1.50- 2.50pm (Small hall). These are adult only sessions please. Thank you.

8 Learning Packs Available from Balmedie Nursery. Balmedie Nurseries – May – New packs out on Tuesday, must be returned following Monday. Other nurseries – June – (Wednesday or Thursday). P1 teachers will be visiting your children in other nurseries.

9 School Lunch with Parents When? Tuesday, 16 th June - 12noon Wednesday, 17 th June - 12noon Thursday, 18 th June – 12noon Where ? School dining hall. Who? 1 adult and your child. Please complete the return slip.

10 Class Visits Please come to the P1 door at front of the school and meet your teacher. You will be advised of the class teacher by separate letter. Mon. 22nd June @ 1.45 – 3.00pm Tues. 23rd June @ 1.45 – 3.00pm Wed. 24th June @ 1.45 – 3.00pm Coffee Afternoon @ 1.50pm 24/6/14

11 P7 Buddies

12 P7 Buddies and Support Class visit days. Breaks/lunchtime in Term 4. A friendly face to help settle. Play games. Help with snacks. Watch out for their charges. Encourage them to be independent. In June, Balmedie Nursery children will go outside for a few days at break times.

13 Preparing for School School bags and what to pack every day (reading bag, book, home learning diary, word box). Name tags all clothing Outdoor/indoor shoes Practise changing shoes and coats and getting ready for gym.

14 Uniform

15 Red school sweatshirt/cardigan/pullover/hoodie. White Polo Shirt/Shirt. Grey/black trousers for boys. Grey/black skirt/pinafore/trousers for girls. Indoor gym shoes for inside and PE. Apron/overall for art and craft. Shoe bag. Name all items please!

16 Routines  Unofficial one way system for cars.  Local children to be brought to school in time to line up at 9.00am.  Lining up and coming into school, please allow your child to be independent. Stand away from the doors please.  Leave space for bus children.  Small Break (healthy snack and drink)  Fruity Friday  Tuck  School lunches are free. Water provided but term drink passes can be purchased at the start of each term if you wish.

17 Bus Children School buses drop off pupils 8.45 to 9.00am. Bus Week 1/2 escorted at 12.30pm on bus with a teacher. Standards of behaviour. Bus Buddies. Meet in the large hall, adult escorts pupils.

18 How you can help Be prepared, help your child with this new transition, talk about what will happen. Watch Induction DVD together, attend the 3 Stepping Up Afternoons in June. Open door policy in school. Call to arrange appointment with teacher if need to. Staff only school car park for safety. Reinforce School Boundaries. This is really important. Once in school, stay in school.

19 Homework Curricular Letter from Class Teacher every term. Home Learning Diary. Reading. Word box for tricky words. Spelling. Please sign each time your child does their homework and use to communicate with class teacher.

20 Home/School Links Home Learning Diary. Parents’ Evenings (November and April/May). Reports around April/May. Concerns - please call to arrange appointment with teacher if need to. Class Open Afternoons. Parent Council – we would be delighted to see new faces. Text service for snow closures and bus info.

21 After School Club Fees: Breakfast Club (7.30 – 9.00am)£4.10 After School Club ½ session (til 4.30pm)£4.10 Full session (til 6.00pm)£7.18 Contact Details: 07920295508

22 What’s next? Questions. Pack to collect tonight. Tour of the School. Chance to buy uniform. Thank you for your time.

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