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Starry Night by Vincent Can Gogh First Grade

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1 Starry Night by Vincent Can Gogh First Grade
Art Smart Starry Night by Vincent Can Gogh First Grade

2 Review Primary and Secondary Colors

3 Primary and Secondary Colors
No colors can be mixed to make these colors Red, Blue and Yellow. If you mix primary colors, you will get a secondary color. Orange, Green and Purple.

4 Red Is it a primary or a secondary color?

5 Orange Is it a primary or a secondary color?

6 Blue Is it a primary or a secondary color?

7 Purple Is it a primary or a secondary color?

8 Yellow Is it a primary or a secondary color?

9 Green Is it a primary or a secondary color?

10 Warm and Cool Colors Artists ch0ose colors for a reason.
Colors can remind us of things and feelings.

11 Warm colors A group of colors associated with warmth.
They appear to come forward. Do you know any warm colors? Think about warm things…

12 Warm colors Warm colors have the look of fire and sunshine.

13 Cool colors A group of colors associated with coldness.
Appear to look further away from you in an artwork. Do you know any cool colors? Think about cold things…

14 Cool colors When you think of a cool lake or ice covered pond, you see cool colors. Think Cold!

15 What is a line? How do artists use lines?

16 Line If you make random two dots on a paper and connect those two points, you create a LINE.

17 Line Types Vertical : the up and down orientation of a line
Horizontal: a line parallel to the horizon Curved Zigzag

18 Line Artists use line and color to show emotion. Emotion is a feeling.
You can use repetition of lines in a way of creating texture or pattern.

19 What can you do with a Line?
You can create PATTERNS.

20 Pattern If you repeat a design, you create a pattern.
Repetition is the key!

21 Movement It is an art element.
Movement helps to draw viewer’s eye through the art work.

22 Movement Where do you look first?

23 Texture It is an art element. It can be ACTUAL or VISUAL.
Actual texture defines how something feels when touched. Visual texture shows how something appears.

24 Texture

25 It is an art element. Artists set the mood for their art work.

26 Mood Sample Music 1: Funny Chicken Dance How did this make you feel?
Sample Music 2: Yoga, Relaxation Music How do you feel now? Music is an art form just like painting. Paintings displays certain mood to the viewer, just like music. When you look at an art piece, it can make you feel happy, excited, sad, lonely or any other emotion you can attach to it.

27 Do you know an artist? Are you an artist?

28 Van Gogh 1853 – 1890 His family was very involved in art: his three uncles and brother were art dealers. He began to draw as a child, and decided to become an artist in his twenties. He produced over 2100 artworks in last 10 years of his life. He was usually sad and upset. He end up living in a special hospital for a while to get better. He expressed his feelings through his painting. Here is one of his self-portraits:

29 Van Gogh’s Art

30 Starry Night Primary or Secondary Colors Warm or Cool Colors Line
Movement Texture

31 Art Project – Starry Night Lesson Plan
Materials: White drawing paper, or white water color paper - 9 x12 or whatever size you are comfortable with Black Construction Paper (Could be other colors if you choose) - Cut in wide strips to layer Tempera paint (blue/white, orange/yellow) or acrylic paint if you are brave ;-) Drawing Chalk in a variety of colors Glue Scissors Pencils Erasers Directions: Day 1 - Show students examples of Van Gogh's paintings, and discuss his painting style and technique. Start on the white paper with pencils to lightly draw small circles in the top half of the paper where the stars will be in the sky and a moon if the students want. Once their stars and moon are drawn where they choose, show them how to use light dashes circling around the stars and radiating out. Students will use these guide lines to create brush strokes mimicking Van Gogh's painting style to make their Starry Night sky. This should take about one 45 min. class period. Have students cover the entire paper with paint. (Suggestion: Cover the tables beforehand with butcher paper for easy clean-up). Day 2- Have construction paper pre-cut to the width of the white paper out for students to choose colors for their project. Students choose dark color for the cypress tree and buildings in the front of the composition. Students can use plain oil or chalk pastels to draw on the construction paper to get the shape of their cypress tree, and the shape of the hills, etc. Students then glue construction paper pieces down to the white paper. Students use chalk to add texture to the tree, landscape and village

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