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Allen High School Fall Semester Midterm Exam

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Presentation on theme: "Allen High School Fall Semester Midterm Exam"— Presentation transcript:

1 Allen High School Fall Semester Midterm Exam

2 Elements of Art Form Texture Line Space Shape Value Color

3 Line A continuous mark made on some surface by a moving point
2D = pencil mark 3D = wire Implied = series of unconnected points that cause your eye to create a line Outline or Contour

4 More lines!

5 Color How light reacts when it reflects on an object or surface

6 Color - Intensity

7 Color & Value

8 Shape Enclosed space defined by other elements of art. Usually 2D
Can be 3D (but used as a general term)

9 Shapes- 2 Types Organic or Geometric

10 Form 3D Encloses Volume, as a kind of “visual weight” Examples:
Cubes, Spheres, Cylinders

11 Color Has 3 Properties: Hue- the name of the color
Intensity- brightness or dullness Value- lightness or darkness

12 Color - Intensity

13 Color & Value

14 Value Describes the darkness or lightness of a color.
Value is needed to express Volume

15 Value makes Volume =

16 Value: The lightness or darkness of a color

17 Texture Refers to the surface quality or “feel” of an object
Roughness or smoothness Hardness or softness Texture can be felt in 3D works or “implied” in visual/2D drawings, paintings or photographs

18 Texture Actual & Implied

19 Space The distance or area between, around, above or within things
It can be a description of both 2D & 3D works

20 Both Positive & Negative Space are important!

21 Emphasis Movement Balance Rhythm Harmony Proportion Variety Unity
Principles of Design Emphasis Movement Balance Rhythm Harmony Proportion Variety Unity

22 Rhythm A type of movement Seen in repeating shapes and colors
Alternating light and dark shapes also creates rhythm Also called Pattern or Repetition

23 Balance Sense of stability
Can be created by repeating shapes or repeating the feeling of weight within a work 3 Types of Balance: Symmetrical, Asymmetrical & Radial

24 Balance – 3 Types Symmetrical & Asymmetrical & Radial

25 Radial Balance

26 Asymmetrical Balance

27 Symmetrical Balance

28 Proportion Also called Scale
Refers to the relationships of size of objects in a work Smallness & largeness


30 Repetition: Using the same image over and over again

31 Harmony Using similar elements throughout the work.
Gives artwork an “uncomplicated” feel

32 Unity The feeling of oneness The parts equal a whole
Elements of Art tie everything together. No confusion


34 Emphasis Developing points of interest to pull a viewer's attention
(“focal point”) Or thematic emphasis= focusing on one idea or theme



37 Movement Adds excitement to work by showing action and direction.
Moves viewer’s eye throughout work


39 Variety Using different shapes, textures, colors & values to make a piece interesting

40 Contour Line Lines creating boundaries that separate one area from another; they define the edges and surface ridges of an object


42 Outlines The outside edge of an object.

43 Blind Contour Drawing in which only contour lines are used to represent subject matter. Artist keep their eyes on the object they are drawing and concentrate on direction and curves.

44 GESTURE DRAWING More generally, a gesture drawing may be any drawing which attempts to capture action or movement.


46 Thumbnail Sketch A brief/small sketch of ideas for brainstorming and composition

47 Composition The overall arrangement and organization of visual elements on a 2D surface


49 Color Hue- the name of the color Intensity- brightness or dullness

50 Primary Colors – exist by themselves You can NOT mix them!

51 Secondary Colors – Purple Green Orange

52 Tints of colors 1 color + white = Tint

53 Shade 1 Color + Black = Shade

54 Complementary Colors Are OPPOSITE on the color wheel! Red and Green Orange and Blue Yellow and Purple

55 Analagous Colors Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel

56 Warm Colors Yellow, Orange, Red and some Purples
Colors that suggest warmth Yellow, Orange, Red and some Purples

57 Cool Colors Colors that suggest coolness Green, Blue, most Purples

58 What are different techniques to show Value?
Hatching – parallel lines Cross-hatching – perpendicular lines Stippling - dots

59 Hatching

60 Cross Hatching

61 Stippling: The act of drawing with small dots Noli Novak

62 Achromatic To be without color or pigment Greyscale
Black and White only

63 Monochromatic – 1 color with black and white

64 Implied Line A series of unconnected points that cause our eyes to create a line

65 What is a critique? Using knowledge to evaluate or analyze a work of art. To review, discuss or compare an artwork You do it every time you complete a RUBRIC!

66 21. Color Pencil Questions
Linear – color pencil technique showing contour and value change, use of LINES b) Mixing – using light pencil pressure with a color pencil in an already existing GRAPHITE drawing

67 23. (continued) c) Scraffito- scraping away or scratching into the outer surface to reveal underneath d) Burnishing – using white (or any light color) with heavy pressure over an area of color e) Wax bloom – the hazy finish that sets in on a color pencil drawing after a period of time

68 23. Continued f) Layering – overlapping graphite pencils with colored pencils. g) Frottage – creating a texture or pattern by coloring over a texture surface. A rubbing.

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