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Costar & SystemStar Estimation Tools Dan Ligett Softstar Systems (603) 672-0987.

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Presentation on theme: "Costar & SystemStar Estimation Tools Dan Ligett Softstar Systems (603) 672-0987."— Presentation transcript:

1 Costar & SystemStar Estimation Tools Dan Ligett Softstar Systems (603) 672-0987

2 Softstar History Look to the past for clues about the future: 21 years DOS, VMS, Solaris, Win 3, Win 95, Win 98, Win NT, Win 2000, Win XP… Hundreds and hundreds of customers 21 COCOMO Meetings

3 Technical Support Free, unlimited, technical support –Phone, fax, e-mail, website, FAQ –Modeling issues –COCOMO & COSYSMO questions & interpretations –Calibration techniques –Estimating methods, line counting, etc. How can we do that? –The software is excellent –The GUI is excellent –The help system is excellent

4 Costar Features Incremental COCOMO COCOMO II COCOMO 81, REVIC Many reports & graphs Export to Excel Schedule Constraints Calico for calibration –Add phases, activities, cost drivers, defaults It’s COCOMO – open, studied, validated, known

5 Costar Licensing Single User License –Inexpensive way to introduce COCOMO Site License –No per seat charges, all employees at a site get Costar Worldwide Corporate License –No per seat charges, all employees get Costar –Standard estimating method, tools, training, file formats, etc. –About 19 cents each for LMCO-sized company One time fee – not an annual charge!

6 SystemStar Features Estimates Systems Engineering Effort Based on the COSYSMO model ISO 15288 framework 14 reports & graphs Reuse Model Exports to Excel Calibration tool included Free Technical Support

7 SystemStar Licensing Site License Worldwide Corporate License –No per seat charges, all employees get SystemStar –Standard estimating method, tools, training, file formats, etc. Annual Fee

8 Estimate Systems Engineering Effort

9 Easy to Adjust Cost Drivers

10 Effort per Activity per Phase

11 Effort & Cost per Phase

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