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TEAM-IFPTE Local 161 Negotiations Update Winnipeg - June 8 and 9, 2010 Brandon - June 11, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "TEAM-IFPTE Local 161 Negotiations Update Winnipeg - June 8 and 9, 2010 Brandon - June 11, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEAM-IFPTE Local 161 Negotiations Update Winnipeg - June 8 and 9, 2010 Brandon - June 11, 2010

2 Agenda Welcome (3 min) Status and Conciliation (10 min) The Issues (15 min) Make a Difference (5 min) Q & A (20 min)

3 Negotiations Status June 1: All outstanding TEAM proposals, less one joint union proposal, presented June 2: MTS applied for conciliation Proposals agreed to: - Seven before MTS AGM (May 6 th ) - Zero since MTS AGM Proposals still on the table: 27

4 Negotiations at Impasse? MTS applied for conciliation claiming negotiations were at an impasse Monetary discussions had barely started MTS said it isn’t going to allow negotiations to drag on Timing suggests conciliation is being used as a pressure tactic

5 Conciliation Process Conciliation Officer has 60 days to help the parties reach an agreement If no agreement, one of the following: Conciliation can be extended Mediation may be offered Conciliator completes written report, and within 21 days parties can engage in legal lockout or strike

6 What does TEAM want? DB Pension Plan: Protect against a reduced pension benefit for our future earnings A reasonable base pay increase and recognition for additional supervisory responsibilities Protect against excessive hours and unhealthy workloads; restore work/life balance

7 What does TEAM want? Fast-track problem resolution, especially on Human Rights issues Protect our current health benefits A Health Spending Account for vision care, chiropractic treatment, massage therapy, deductibles, etc. Family leave days option using sick days

8 What does TEAM want? More opportunities for growth: access to job descriptions, more job postings, and fewer contractors Effective and transparent appeal process for job reclassifications, performance reviews, Variable Pay, and forced moves Prevent erosion of TEAM’s bargaining strength for effective representation

9 What does MTS want? Increase productivity and reduce costs: Eliminate Personal Leave Days Reduce overtime rate from 2x to 1.5x Reduce VRIP payouts to severance amounts Reduce and limit TEAM’s scope; effectively weakening our bargaining strength, making it easier to lockout TEAM members

10 What does MTS want? When asked about their pay offer on June 1 st, they said they didn’t know what it would be Changes to the Grad Pay Schedules; TEAM is supportive and is seeking removal of an unfair restriction Maximum flexibility with limited recourse for employees; borne out by rejection of many TEAM proposals

11 Obstacles Belief that employees have so much paid time off now, they won’t notice the loss of their Personal Leave Days Company’s strong desire to restrict wording to prohibit an employee’s ability to grieve Belief that people work extra hours for free simply because they all want to Company’s reluctance and outright refusal to compromise on many issues

12 Make a Difference Let the Company know how you feel; participate in Tent Day Attend our Pension Protection Barbeque Become a point of contact in your area Send your ideas and suggestions to:

13 Q & A Conciliation TEAMProposals Pension Protection, Work/life Balance, Fairness, Improved Pay & Benefits, TEAM Scope per the Law MTS Proposals Less pay; same work, less time off, reduced VRIP, changes to Grad program, Limit TEAM Scope

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