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Can Absence Make a Team Grow Stronger?

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1 Can Absence Make a Team Grow Stronger?
Ann Majchrzak Marshall School of Business University of Southern California

2 My experience base PhD in Social Psychology
Research focused on implementation of mfg techns (Human Side of Factory Automation, Human Side of CAD) in Rust Belt Last 6 years focused on effective implementation of virtual collaboration technologies Most recent study: 54 successful cases

3 When use Far-Flung Teams

4 SLICE Example Propulsion, thermal, structural, mfg engineering
MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES Propulsion, thermal, structural, mfg engineering COMPLEX PROBLEMS LOCAL INTERESTS KNOWLEDGE CREATION & TRANSFER Goal: reduce cost of rocket engine by millions Rocketdyne, TI, MSC IMPLEMENT LOCALLY GLOBAL MARKETPLACE Mfg rocket, not just design Cheaper, reusable rocket

5 SLICE Outcomes Designed new rocket engine in
1/10th time (10 mos vs 6 years) 1/10th labor (<15% time of 8 people vs people fulltime) First unit cost: $47K instead of $4.5M Predicted quality level of 9 sigma (not 6) 6 parts (instead of normal 1200) Est. engine mfg cost: $0.5M instead of $7M

6 The Challenges of Far Flung Teams
Far Flung Virtual Teams are extreme: “Communications challenged” (conducting their core work mostly virtually through electronic medium) “Culturally challenged” (different countries, functions, companies) “Task challenged” (uncertainty in content of outcomes, process, or coordination because of team size, # languages, # time zones) Quick fix to challenges? In-person meetings?

7 The Challenges of Far Flung Teams
Far Flung Virtual Teams are extreme: “Communications challenged” (conducting their core work mostly virtually through electronic medium) “Culturally challenged” (different countries, functions, companies) “Task challenged” (uncertainty in content of outcomes, process, or coordination because of team size, # languages, # time zones) Quick fix to challenges? In-person meetings

8 Problems of Fixing Challenges With In-person Meetings
Conditions change after you leave Serendipity is hard to schedule Decision-making cycle time increases People in meetings don’t have access to their experts, materials, tools Leaves other responsibilities untended Travel takes time, money, and energy Diversity is left unexploited

9 Conceptual Framework for Managing Far Flung Team Challenges
PEOPLE Leader STRATEGY TECHNOLOGY PROCESS TECH. Differentiate Myths from Realities

10 People Myth: F2F meetings are needed at beginning to build trust
Reality: Trust is built through a planned team communication strategy & in-process team tuning sessions (be they F2F or not)

11 Technology Reality: Ban email! Integrate Living Team Room
Myth: Communicate through ; technology is a necessary enabler Reality: Ban ! Integrate Living Team Room into work process

12 Living Team Room Capabilities
Search Instant Messaging Synchronous Discussion Threads Audio Conferencing Living Room Living Documents Web Conferencing Annotation Asynchronous Templates

13 Living Team Room Capes + Work Process
Search Instant Messaging Expertise location Discussion Threads Backchannel conversations Team identity Brainstorming Maintaining teamness Focusing efforts Web Conferencing Living Room Living Docs N-way realtime application sharing Knowledge shared in draft form; visibility into each other’s work Audio Conferencing Annotation Templates Trust-building Own comments Verbal clarification Action items, Agendas, Minutes

14 Process Reality: Prework: Intellectual property,
Myth: Team starts on day team starts Reality: Prework: Intellectual property, Coordination protocols, tool standards

15 Process Myth: Reality: Save virtual meetings for disagreements
Run conference calls like F2F meetings Reality: Save virtual meetings for disagreements & intellectual stimulation; requires meeting lifecycle management

16 Virtual Meeting Lifecycle
--Review discussion items to focus on disagree-ment --Assign agenda items --Rotate team facilitation --Visible timelines & progress tracking Clear allocation of action items, meeting minutes posted rapidly Visibly ensure follow-up with discussion threads, progress tracking, & postings Member check-in through voting, IM, posting, application-sharing, & verbal discussion Recreate feeling of inclusiveness Activities Pre Start During End Between

17 Leader Reality: Far Flung teams require
Myth Virtual means hands-off leadership Reality: Far Flung teams require communication-intensive leaders

18 Communication-Intensive Leadership
Frequent 1-on-1 Check-ins 1-on-1 mentor discussions Leaders Members Establish team communication norms Closely monitor & intervene

19 Summary of Practices 1. Level playing field (everyone “calls in”); no physical meetings 2. Virtual workspace technologies 3. In-process team tuning sessions 4. Manage virtual meeting flow 5. Structure dynamically paired tasks among team members 6. Provide inclusion without smoothing diversity 7. Electronically brainstorm 8. Distribute leadership tasks

20 Far Flung Teams can be a competitive weapon, not a necessary evil
Conclusion Far Flung Teams can be a competitive weapon, not a necessary evil

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