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ESPON 2013 Programme Info Day on New Calls and Partner Café ESPON 2013 Programme: Progress and Prospects.

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Presentation on theme: "ESPON 2013 Programme Info Day on New Calls and Partner Café ESPON 2013 Programme: Progress and Prospects."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESPON 2013 Programme Info Day on New Calls and Partner Café ESPON 2013 Programme: Progress and Prospects

2 The ESPON 2013 Programme Role in Structural Funds 2007-2013: – Support EU Cohesion Policy development with pan- European, comparable facts and evidence on Territorial Structures, Trends, Perspectives and Policy Impacts, focusing on European Regions and Cities, and revealing territorial capital, potentials and challenges. Budget 2007-13: – 47 mill Euro (ERDF 34 mill. Euro, plus 13 mill. Euro from 31 countries) Programme Priorities: – P 1: Applied Research – P 2: Targeted Analyses based on Stakeholder interest – P 3: Scientific Platform and Tools – P 4: Capitalisation

3 Selected Themes of ESPON Actions Territorial Impact Assessment Urban Agglomerations Climate Change Rural Areas Growth poles Migratory Flows EU DirectivesAttractiveness Green Economy Demography Specific Types of Territories Regions Innovation Territorial cooperation Accessibility Continental flows Services of General Interest Cities Land use European Seas Economy Governance Energy Territorial Scenarios

4 Programme Delivery Programme Implementation volume: 25 Applied Research projects −21 projects ongoing, final or just starting −4 additional Applied Research projects in the call 23 Targeted Analyses (defined by stakeholder demand): −18 ongoing, final or closing −5 Targeted Analyses included in the call 10 larger projects under Scientific Platform and Tools: −4 larger projects ongoing/final −6 additional larger projects in the call 6-7 Transnational Networking Activities: –5 projects ongoing –1-2 additional projects expected starting early 2012

5 Current Calls for Proposals Calls open from 24 August to 20 October 2011: −4 Applied Research projects −5 Targeted Analyses −6 Scientific Platform and Tools projects –1-2 Transnational Networking Activity projects expected Total Budget: ‒ 7.417.176,09 €. The last round of Calls previewed in the Implementation of the ESPON 2013 Programme

6 ESPON post 2013 Progress towards ESPON post 2013: –Ministers conclusion during Hungarian EU Presidency: “Recognized that the ESPON (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and cohesion) Programme has demonstrated its ability to create useful pan-European territorial knowledge, and thus encourage the ongoing process to prepare the continuation of ESPON post- 2013 conducted by Luxembourg..” “Encourage Luxembourg, in close cooperation with the European Commission, all ESPON participating countries and the EU institutions, to continue the efforts concerning the future of ESPON in line with the above mentioned principles and to present a proposal for ESPON post 2013 during the Polish EU Presidency.” Proposal during the Polish EU Presidency

7 More Information Thank you for your attention Please visit

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